

单词 unreasonably
释义 unˈreasonably, a.
[un-1 11.]
1. In a manner at variance with reason; without due observance of reason or good judgement.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 12 Ȝif þei coueiten vnresonabiliche þe housis..of here neiȝeboris.c1450Myrr. our Ladye 109 By whyche..thow shuldest hate no creature vnreasonabely.1535Coverdale 2 Macc. xiv. 23 Nicanor, whyle he abode at Ierusalem, ordred himself not vnreasonably.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. i. 10 To passe ouer all the rest, which are much more vnreasonably foolish, Plato himself..vainly erreth in his round globe.1641R. Brooke Eng. Episc. i. v. 27 Else Reason doth unreasonably determine me not to Marry.1670Clarendon Contempl. Ps. Tracts (1727) 757 They only consider..how unreasonably men deal with them.1729Law Serious C. x. 143 Do but suppose a man acting unreasonably.1823Scott Quentin D. xxiii, Said Quentin, not unreasonably offended at the turn thus given to his gallantry.1881Benham in Macm. Mag. XLV. 115/1 The Essay..was, not unreasonably, regarded as the most objectionable in tone.
2. To an unreasonable extent; excessively, immoderately.
a1450Knt. de la Tour (1906) 53 There be..other that be lykerous of moche mete and drinke, takyng unresonably therof.1470–85Malory Arthur vii. i. 213, I am come hyder to praye you..to gyue me thre yeftes and they shalle not be vnresonably asked.1512Act 4 Hen. VIII, c. 6 §2 If..the same Collectours..unresonably delay or tary the said Marchauntes.1568Grafton Chron. II. 402 When they..would ryde, they found horses vnreasonably deare.1607Shakes. Cor. i. iii. 84 Fye, you confine your selfe most vnreasonably.1697Walsh Life V. ⁋20 in Dryden Virgil, Venus grows..unreasonably confident.1723Atterbury Serm. (1726) I. ix. 314 To grant that to others, which we our selves perhaps..might be willing enough, unreasonably willing, to obtain from them.1782Phil. Trans. LXX. 352 Under all these disadvantages in the machine (if not unreasonably ill made) the rod e f will ascend to d.1840Alison Hist. Eur. lii. VII. 109 A nation..unreasonably jealous of its military expenditure.1884Law Rep. 25 Ch. Div. 492 To discourage unreasonably early marriages.




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