

单词 hide-and-seek
释义 hide-and-seek
Also (chiefly U.S.) hide-and-go-seek.
1. A children's game, in which one or more of the players hide, and the rest, at a given signal, set out to find them.
The earlier name was all hid: see hide v.1 1 e; but hide-and-seek must have been well known before 1672: cf. 2.
1724Essex Inst. Hist. Coll. XXXVI. 333 At night was at Madam Brownes playing hide and goe seek with Olive Parker, Wibird, &c.1726–7Swift Gulliver i. iii, The boys and girls would venture to come and play at hide-and-seek in my hair.1735Pegge Kenticisms, Hide-and-fox [cf. hide v.1 2 b], hide-and-seek.1821J. F. Cooper Spy (1831) xxxvi. 405 Since when, we have been playing hide-and-go-seek with the ships.1838Dickens O. Twist v, The ragged boys..played a noisy game at hide-and-seek among the tombstones.1861Hughes Tom Brown at Oxf. xvii, The children..play hide-and-seek, and look for nests in the gorse-bushes.1908T. Roosevelt Lett. Children 2 Jan. (1919), Do you recollect how we all used to play hide-and-go-seek in the White House?1925F. Scott Fitzgerald Great Gatsby v. 82 At first I thought it was another party, a wild rout that had resolved itself into ‘hide-and-go-seek’.1969I. & P. Opie Children's Games iv. 154 In Scotland it is often ‘Hide and Go Seek’—as also in the United States.1971A. Bailey In Village (1972) xx. 202 There are games of prisoner's base and hide-and-go-seek..with the parked cars providing a forest of hiding places.
2. transf. and fig. Applied to action in which one person or thing evades or appears to evade another. Also attrib.
1672Dryden Marr. à la Mode iii. ii, 'Sdeath, I begin to be weary of this hide and seek.1706Farquhar Recruit. Officer ii. i, Our armies did nothing but play at prison bars, and hide and seek with the enemy.1828Chr. Wordsw. K. Chas. I, Icôn Basilikè 31 All these hide-and-seek devices, all this idle child's play.1861Sala Dutch Pict. xviii. 288 The treacherous sun..has been playing a game of hide-and-seek with me all day.1870M. Bridgman R. Lynne I. xvii. 298 Rose..could not have put her thoughts in any consecutive words—they seemed to be playing at hide-and-go-seek in her mind.
So hide and seek v., to play at hide-and-seek.
1830Tennyson Mermaid iii, We would run to and fro, and hide and seek, On the broad sea-wolds in the crimson shells.1847Princ. ii. 435 Some hid and sought In the orange thickets.




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