

单词 unrequested
释义 unreˈquested, ppl. a.
(un-1 8.)
1576R. Peterson G. della Casa's Galateo 60 To offer aduyse vnrequested.1587Golding De Mornay xxxiv. 634 How vnindifferent are these people, which will needes both beleeue and be beleeued of all men without witnesse and vnrequested [F. sans enqueste].1609W. M. Man in Moon G 4 b, How hee would..proffer, vnrequested, many seruile ceremonies.1641Earl of Monmouth tr. Biondi's Civil Warres v. 93 Though unrequested on Henries behalfe, the soveraigntie of France was demanded on Charles.1709S. Centlivre Gamester iv, Valere has..exposed my unrequested bounty.a1768Secker Serm. (1771) V. vii. 136 Without this no Person would have..more Assistance in Distress from his Neighbour, than..unrequested Goodness [would] incline him to bestow.




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