

单词 unridden
释义 unˈridden, ppl. a.
(un-1 8 b.)
(a)1574Richmond. Wills (Surtees) 248 Horses at Burghe. Ridden horsses and mares, xv... Stages and fillies unreden, xij.1607Markham Cavel. iv. 5 Foales, vnridden horses, or horses that are of any..sobrietie in iourneying.1831James Phil. Augustus III. v, Horses..which have stood there unridden for months.1857Dufferin Lett. High Lat. (ed. 2) 83 Having caught, saddled and bridled the three unridden ponies.
(b)1615Extr. Aberd. Reg. (1848) II. 323 Leaving the saidis merches unridden.




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