

单词 Hindi
释义 Hindi, a. and n.|ˈhɪndiː|
Also Hindee.
[a. Urdū hindī, f. hind, India. The corresponding Persian is hindwī, hinduī, hinduvī, formerly used by Eng. writers in the same sense.]
A. adj. Of or belonging to Northern India or its language.
1825W. T. Adam Stewart's Hist. Anecd. (heading), Anglo-Hindawee.1826W. Bowley (title) The New Testament..altered..into the Hinduee language.1851F. Hall in Benares Mag. V. 22 note, The pandits draw no other distinction between the words Hindí and Hindu'í than that the first is used by the well-informed (who sometimes employ Hindví, also), and the second, by villagers... The form Hindaví is confined to the Muhammadans.1878R. N. Cust Mod. Langs. E. Ind. 49 The real and original Vernacular of the Hindi people.
B. n.
1. The great Aryan vernacular language of Northern India, spoken (with numerous dialects) from the frontiers of Bengal to those of the Panjāb and Sindh, and from the Himālaya Mountains to the Nerbudda.
It comes into contact on the N.W. and W. with Panjābī, Sindhī, and Gujarātī, on the S. with Marāthī, on the S.E. with Orīya, on the E. with Bengālī, sister Aryan languages, and on the N. with Nepālī (which some make merely a dialect of Hindī). Cf. Hindustani.
1800Asiat. Ann. Reg., Acc. Bks. 6/1 Even when they write in Hinduvi.1801Colebrooke in Asiat. Res. VII. 220 The language which forms the ground-work of modern Hindustání, and..is known by the appellation of Hindí or Hindeví.1804W. Tennant Ind. Recr. II. 199 A manuscript in the Hindivi.1807W. T. Adam (title) Arithmetic in Hindui.1832(title) Fables in Hinduwee.1857Monier Williams Sanskrit Gram. Introd. 22 Out of them [patois modifications of Sanskrit] arose Hindí (termed Hindústání or Urdú, when mixed with Persian and Arabic words), Maráthí, and Gujaráthí.1878R. N. Cust Mod. Langs. E. Ind. 46 The Language-Field of Hindi is stated to comprise 248,000 square miles, and the number of the Hindi-speaking population..cannot fall short of eighty millions.Ibid. 50 The result of this first attempt to take stock of the dialects of Hindi, represented actually by books or Vocabularies, is that there are..in all fifty-eight varieties.1886Yule Anglo-Ind. Gloss. s.v. Hindee, The earliest literary work in Hindi is the great poem of Chand Bardai (c. 1200) which records the deeds of Prithirāja, the last Hindu sovereign of Delhi.
2. A native of Northern India. rare.
a1853Elliot Hist. Ind. (1867–77) III. 539 (Y.) Whatever live Hindú fell into the King's hands was pounded into bits under the feet of elephants. The Musalmáns, who were Hindís (country born), had their lives spared.




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