

单词 unscale
释义 I. unˈscale, v.1
[un-2 4, 4 b + scale n.2]
1. trans. To clean (fish, etc.) from scales.
a1510Stanbridge Vulgaria (W. de W.) A vj b, Desquamo, [I] vnscale fysshe.1598Florio, Scagliare, to skale or vnskale fish.1655Moufet & Bennet Health's Improv. 168 [Shrimps] are unscaled, to vent the windiness which is in them, being sodden with their scales.1719Glossogr. Angl. Nova, Disquamation, is an unscaling a Fish, or the like.
2. fig. To free (the eyes or sight) from scales.
1635Quarles Embl. iii. Prol. 44 Grones fresht with vowes, and vowes made salt with teares, Vnscale his eyes.1644Milton Areop. (Arb.) 72 Methinks I see her as an Eagle..purging and unscaling her long abused sight at the fountain it self of heav'nly radiance.1827Pollok Course T. i. 3 Thou who of old The prophet's eye unscaled.1867H. Macmillan Bible Teach. xiii. 265 The Spirit unscales our eyes, and unveils Christ before us.
II. unˈscale, v.2
[un-2 7 + scale v.3]
intr. To climb down again.
c1470Harding Chron. ccxviii. i, They shot their gonnes, and with their ladders scaled, But nought auailed, thei were so wel of bet, When they our hoste sawe anone they vnscaled.




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