

单词 unscarred
释义 unˈscarred, ppl. a.
(un-1 8.)
1594Shakes. Rich. III, iv. iv. 209 So she may liue vnscarr'd of bleeding slaughter.1598B. Jonson Ev. Man in Hum. i. iv, Is't like, that factious beauty will preserue The soueraigne state of chastitie vnscard?1607Shakes. Timon iv. iii. 161 The vnscarr'd Braggerts of the Warre.1817Byron Mazeppa xvii, Flanks unscarr'd by spur or rod.1866Miss Mulock Noble Life xiv, A battle from which no woman ever comes out unwounded or unscarred.1884Harper's Mag. Mar. 524/2 Solid and defiant as it looks, the sea has not left it unscarred.




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