

单词 unskilfully
释义 unˈskilfully, adv.
[un-1 11.]
1. Unreasonably; without good reason; to an unreasonable extent. Obs.
1338R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 152 Þe kyng..said he was redy, Þe testament to fulfille of kyng William, & þat his men fulle ille vnskilfully nam.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) IV. 433 Ȝif it is good to lyve, it is sacrelegy to forsake it unskilfulliche.c1400Love Bonavent. Mirr. (1908) 147 We haue ensaumple that we schulle not lette to do gode werkes for occasioun of sclaundre vnskilfully taken of othere.a1470H. Parker Dives & Pauper (W. de W. 1496) iv. xxv. 192/2 We sholde loue all men..with drede to offende them unskylfully.
2. Without discernment; foolishly; ignorantly.
1340–70Alex. & Dind. 871 For almus-dede do ȝe non as ȝe demen alle, But skarsete & skaþe vn-skilfully fonden.1390Gower Conf. III. 251 Tarquinus made unskilfully A werre..Ayein a toun with walles stronge.c1460G. Ashby Dicta Philos. 1211 He wol..euery thinge determen wilfully, Ayenste Reason, & eke vnskilfully.1565Cooper Thesaurus s.v. Inscienter, Thei sayde he did vnskilfully.1603Shakes. Meas. for M. iii. ii. 156 Therefore you speake vnskilfully: or, if your knowledge bee more, it is much darkned in your malice.
3. In an unskilful manner; inexpertly.
1565Cooper Thesaurus, Imperite, vnexpertly, vnskilfully, vnlearnedly.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. 496 Upon which Grotius doth freely and not unskilfully comment after this manner.1685Boyle Enq. Notion Nat. vii. 266 To clear all those unskilfully framed axioms and phrases, I found to be so intricate..a task [etc.].1735Johnson Lobo's Abyssinia, Voy. v. 29 One [of the muskets] being unskillfully charged too high, flew out of the Soldier's Hand.1768–74Tucker Lt. of Nat. (1834) II. 381 That it is highly blasphemous..to imagine that God should have contrived His order of second causes so unskilfully.1848Miss Mitford in L'Estrange Life (1870) III. xii. 213 The story is very unskilfully told, with an entire want of dramatic power.1885Law Times Rep. LIII. 325/2 The defendant..negligently and unskilfully navigated..the said vessel.




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