

单词 hoker
释义 I. hoker, n. Obs.
Forms: 1 hocor, hocer, 2–4 hoker, 4–5 hokir, 5 hocowre, hocour.
[OE. hocor, not found in the cognate langs.; the o is of doubtful length, but prob. short; possibly related to OE. hux, husc ‘mockery’, root huc-, hoc-. (Not related to OHG. huoh, MHG. hûch, huoch ‘contempt, scorn, derision’, in which the second h is Germanic, requiring OE. h.)]
Mockery, derision; scorn, contempt; abuse, reviling.
1014Wulfstan Serm. ad Anglos in Hom. xxxiii. (1883) 164 To oft man mid hocere gode dæda hyrweð.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 163 Iuele word, hoker and scorn.c1205Lay. 29790 Bruttisce clerekes Him seiden hokeres.c1386Chaucer Reeve's T. 45 She was as digne as water in a dich As ful of hoker and of bismare.14..Cast. Love (Halliw.) 211 Alle the fendes hadyn hocowre That mon shuld wonyn in the blessed honowre.1421–2Hoccleve Dialog. 741 My wyf mighte haue hokir & greet desdeyn.
b. Comb. hoker-word, mocking word; gibe.
1014Wulfstan Serm. ad Anglos in Hom. xxxiii. (1883) 164 Hocorwyrde dysiᵹe.c1205Lay. 19595 [Hi] me atwiten mid heore hoker worden.
II. hoker, v. Obs.
[f. hoker n.]
trans. To mock, scorn, revile.
a1225Leg. Kath. 458 Þu..ure godes hokerest.c1275Passion Our Lord 456 in O.E. Misc. 50 He..gon him hokeri.c1425Eng. Conq. Irel. 140 Thay..weren shame⁓fully receyued, & lothly I-hokred.
b. intr. To pour scorn (upon).
c1205Lay. 14795 Ah nes hit nan..þat him ne hokerede on.c1275Passion Our Lord 449 in O.E. Misc. 50 Þe princes and þet oþer volk hokerede him vp-on.
Hence ˈhokering vbl. n., mockery, scorn.
a1225Ancr. R. 188 Þeo on hokerunge ȝeieden so lude.a1240Wohunge in Cott. Hom. 281 Þe red ȝerde þat te was..ȝiuen þe on hokerringe.




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