

单词 unsought
释义 unˈsought, ppl. a.
[un-1 8 b, c. Cf. MDu. ongesocht (Du. ongezocht), MHG. ungesuochet (G. ungesucht), Da. usøgt, Sw. osökt.]
1. Not searched out or sought after; not sought or asked for.
a1225Ancr. R. 324 A wummon þet haueð forloren hire nelde..secheð hine anonriht,..and God forloren uor sunne schal liggen unsouht fulle seoue dawes.1374Chaucer Troylus i. 809 Vnknowe vnkyst and lost þat is vn-sought.a1395Hylton Scala Perf. ii. xiv. (W. de W. 1494), Vnresonably he werkith þat leuith the souereyn gode..vnsought and vnloued.a1470Gregory Chron. in Hist. Coll. Cit. Lond. (Camden) 192 They lefte noo thynge unsoffethe, and they serchyd all that nyght.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI, 103 A thyng discended from heauen, of theim vnsought, vnimagined and not deuised.1576Gascoigne Kenelworth Castle Wks. 1910 II. 92 Nothing shall rest unsought, That may bring pleasure to your mind.1634Milton Comus 732 The Sea o'refraught would swell, and th' unsought diamonds Would so emblaze the forhead of the Deep,..that [etc.].1688T. Flatman Lines to Abp. Sancroft 1 When I Your unsought Glories view'd,..some great thing to Write I meant.c1708Fenton First Fit of Gout 19 Whence comes this unsought honour unto me?1751Warburton Pope's Wks. IX. 247 To the issue of that unasked and unsought compliment these words allude.1837Lockhart Scott IV. i. 13 This novel seems to me to possess..a kind of simple unsought charm.1856Kane Arct. Expl. II. iii. 44 How often relief has come at the moment of extremity, in forms strangely unsought.
b. Not obtained by search or effort. Freq. in loose const.: Without being sought for; without search.
c1350Ipomadon 6519 Nowe I se vnsoughte, My travayle hedyr is all in vayne!c1368Chaucer Compl. Pite 104 What maner thinge may encrese my wo That haue I redy vnsoghte euyr where.c1400Ywaine & Gaw. 798 Bot the knight thar fand thai noght; Than was thar mekil sorow unsoght.c1460Towneley Myst. iii. 97 In erth I se right noght Bot syn that is vnsoght.a1500Chester Pl. (Shaks. Soc.) 206 Endles paine muste I have unsoughte To my rewarde.1596Spenser F.Q. vi. iv. 28 Oftimes..sorrowes of the mynd Find remedie vnsought, which seeking cannot fynd.1601Shakes. Twel. N. iii. i. 168 Loue sought, is good: but giuen vnsought, is better.1671Milton P.R. ii. 59 Thus they out of their plaints new hope resume To find whom at the first they found unsought.1725Ramsay Gentl. Sheph. iii. ii, That's kind unsought.1784Cowper Task iii. 288 What pearl is it..which the poor..Seek and obtain, and often find unsought?1817Scott Harold Introd. 55 Oft at such season, too, will rhymes unsought Arrange themselves in some romantic lay.1855Poultry Chron. III. 338/2 The greatest gain will often, unsought and unwished, attend the first-class.
c. With advs., esp. for.
1611Florio, Inesplorato, unsought out.1622Wither Philarete M 3 b, Those sad Straines..Which you composd, when greatest discontent Vnsought-for helpe to your Inuention lent.1650Cromwell Let. 12 Sept. (Carlyle), Which we earnestly desire may not be laid aside unsought after.1727[Dorrington] P. Quarll (1816) 26, I had him..by mere accident, unexpected, and unsought for.1816Wilson City of Plague iii. ii. 137 Unsought-for bliss Coming..from all the points of heaven.1863H. Cox Instit. i. x. 249 This arrangement..at least was unsought for by him.
a. Unassailed. Obs. rare.
a1300Cursor M. 2440 He luued hir wil mare þan are, For wirscipp þat sco did him win, And sco vnsoght saccles o sin.c1400Sowdone Bab. 2081 Ye bene biseged in this toure... Charles wole not leve you vnsought.
b. Unasked; without being requested.
a1500Chaucer's Dreme in C's Wks. (1598) 359/1 So verily, ech thing vnsought, He said as he had knowne my thought.1613Hieron Bridegroome 18 Christ leadeth his Church with benefits, and that vnsought to.a1704T. Brown Sat. Quack Wks. 1720 I. 71 Death, tho' unsought, waits on thy murd'ring Quill.1873Symonds Grk. Poets xi. 392 Then on my lyre, unasked, unsought, there flew A grasshopper.1878B. Taylor Deukalion i. vi. 49 Ere ye approach me, I shine unsought.
3. Unexamined, unexplored.
c1375Cursor M. 26637 (Fairf.), Hit faris of shrift as dos of wound Þat lange vnsoȝt is to þe grounde.1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 48, I haue noght left vnsoght no stede no temple whare Philosophers vsyd to wryte.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 4450 And ther ys no corner vnsouht, But that I go to euery place.1590Shakes. Com. Err. i. i. 136 Loth to leaue vnsought Or that, or any place that harbours men.1600Fairfax Tasso xv. xxvii, So that this mighty sea is yet unsought, Where thousand isles and kingdoms lie unknown.1625Quarles Sion's Sonn. xv. 6 Thus..no place I left unsought, No eare vnask'd.
4. Not resorted to; untried.
1582Stanyhurst æneis iv. (Arb.) 109 No meane vnattempted, ne vnsoght..leauing.1626Chas. I in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 264 We..have left no means unsought that might truly enable us to these great works.1708Rowe Royal Convert iii. i, Is there a Remedy in human Wisdom, My Mind has left unsought, to help this Evil?




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