

单词 unstudied
释义 unˈstudied, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
1. Not meditated on; neglected as a subject of study or thought.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 192 Þus bi þis nouelrie of song is goddis lawe vnstudied & not kepte.1608Reynard's Deliv. fr. Turks in Harl. Misc. (1744) I. 183 There is..no language, be it never so barbarous, or hard to learn, left unstudied.1614in Overbury A Wife, etc. A 4 b, For that word, ‘A goodly woman,’ Prints it selfe in such a letter That it leaues vnstudied no man.
2. Not having studied; unversed (in something).
1642Milton Apol. Smect. 15, I..was not unstudied in those authors which are most commended.1650Baxter Saints' R. i. vii. 104 Men voyd of Learning, and strength of parts, unstudied and untaught.1685E. Bohun Life Jewell in Apol. 30 That Learned Prelate..was not so unstudied in the nature of Councils, as [etc.].1817Coleridge Lay Serm. 77 The strict, but unstudied and uninquiring, Religionists of every denomination.1846Hawthorne Mosses 85 The young stranger..was not unstudied in the great poem of his country.
b. Not spent in or devoted to study. Obs.—1
1645Milton Tetrach. Int. A 3 b, To cloak the defects of their unstudied yeers.
3. Not elaborated by study or care; not laboured or artificial.
1657H. King Poems 122 They bring Course and unstudy'd stuffs for offering.1674Hickman Quinquart. Hist. (ed. 2) Ep. A 3 Had I thought so unstudied a scrible meet to be exposed to publick view.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. Ded., A clearness of Notion, express'd in ready and unstudied Words.1730Thomson Winter 468 With sense refin'd,..Unstudy'd wit, and humour ever gay.1798S. & Ht. Lee Canterb. T. II. 57 This scheme was not quite so unstudied as it appeared.1817W. Godwin Mandeville I. 207 She expressed herself with the greatest ease, her sentiments were unparrotted and unstudied.1856N. Brit. Rev. XXVI. 233 He had a homely,—apparently unstudied mode of expression.1884Church Bacon ix. 220 Easy and unstudied as his writing seems.




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