

单词 unstuffed
释义 unˈstuffed, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
Not stuffed; unfurnished.
1480Wardr. Acc. Edw. IV, (1830) 131 Pilowe beres off fustian unstuffed, iiij.1573Arte of Limning A iij, A litle borde..couered with a calues skin raysed or vnderstuffed with wolle or floxe or else vnstuffed.1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. ii. iii. 37 Where vnbrused youth with vnstuft braine Doth couch his lims, there golden sleepe doth raigne.1647H. More Song of Soul ii. To Rdr., If any space be left out unstuffd with Atoms.




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