

单词 honestly
释义 honestly, adv.|ˈɒnɪstlɪ|
[f. honest a. + -ly2.]
In an honest manner.
1. In an honourable or respectful manner, honourably, worthily, respectably; in a seemly or becoming manner; decently. Obs.
1340Ayenb. 47 Ofte hy sseaweþ and diȝteþ ham þe more quaynteliche and þe more honesteliche.c1386Chaucer Merch. T. 782 His housynge, his array, as honestly To his degree was maked as a kynges.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) vi. 20 He gers þam be keped honestly and wirschipfully.1504Bury Wills (Camden) 104 Yf yt be so yt I..fall to pouerte, and may not leue honestly.1559Ibid. 153 To bringe my bodie honestly to the grounde.1645Ussher Body Div. (1647) 275 Friends and Neighbours should see that his body be honestly buried, and Funerals decently performed.
2. a. With honourable or upright conduct; esp. without fraud or falsehood; with honest intention or by honest means; sincerely, fairly, frankly, without disguise.
1390Gower Conf. III. 342 For he hath first his love founded Honestelich as for to wedde.1428E.E. Wills (1882) 78 That he gouerne hym goodly and onestly.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 48 b, A man that hath a good crafte wherby he myght lyue honestly.1597Morley Introd. Mus. Ded., A nomber of honest poore men, who liue (and that honestly) vpon teaching.1625Hart Anat. Ur. ii. ix. 110 He dealt honestlier then the Parson.1735Berkeley Reasons not repl. to Walton §7, I can honestly say, the more he explains, the more I am puzzled.1738Swift Pol. Conversat. 185, I came honestly by it.1788V. Knox Winter Even. lxxvi. (R.), The stripling is often sent..to the banks of the Ganges, there to heap up enormous riches, honestly if he can; but at all events to fulfil the ultimate end of his mission.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) I. 99 He does not like honestly to confess that he is talking nonsense.
b. Used parenthetically or as an exclamation, either to emphasize the honesty of one's intentions, statements, etc., or as an expression of exasperation.
1898G. B. Shaw Mrs. Warren's Profession iii. 204 Honestly, dear Praddy, do you like seeing them together?1921Back to Methuselah iii. 129 Mrs. Lutestring. You were kind enough to say that I frighten you. Burge-Lubin. Honestly, you do.1929E. O'Neill Dynamo i. ii. 32 Honestly, I think you've got a nerve to ―.1957N. Marsh Off with his Head iii. 56 No, honestly, this is just too mummerset.1970‘D. Shannon’ Unexpected Death (1971) ii. 24 Angel said, ‘Honestly! More rain. I'll be going stir-crazy..cooped up in here.’1973Courier & Advertiser (Dundee) 21 Feb. 13/5 Honestly, some of these drivers should have their heads seen to!
3. Chastely, ‘virtuously’. Obs.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 705 Ellez þay moȝt honestly ayþer oþer welde.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 824 The married Women live honestly.1691Wood Ath. Oxon. II. 56 Whether the Females lived honestly, 'tis not for me to dispute it.




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