

单词 unswear
释义 unˈswear, v.
[un-2 3, 7. Cf. OFris. unswera, und-, untswera, MDu. ontsweren (Du. ontzweren), MLG. entsweren, MHG. untswern.]
trans. To retract (something sworn or asserted).
1595Shakes. John iii. i. 245 [To] Vn-sweare faith sworne.1596Edward III, ii. i. 326 Thinkst that thou canst unswere thy oth againe?c1640J. Smyth Lives Berkeleys (1883) I. 94 The kinge repents and purposeth to undoe and vnsweare what to his Barons hee had done.1690Dryden Amphitryon iv. i, Think what thou wert, and who cou'd swear too much? Think what thou art, and that unswears it all.1706De Foe Jure Div. iv. 79 Their vow'd Allegiance early they withheld,..And unswore all Allegiance to his Line.1829Landor Imag. Conv. II. 447 What you propose to swear to-morrow you will unswear the day after.1874Swinburne Bothwell ii. xvii, He..shall oversay the word he said In your own ear, or else unswear it.
absol.1591Spenser M. Hubberd 1058 Who would not oft sweare, And oft vnsweare, a Diademe to beare?1681Hickfringill Sin Man-catching Wks. 1716 I. 175 False Witnesses, whose Tongues can swear and unswear.a1734North Lives (1826) I. 88 Her adversary defamed her for swearing and unswearing.1872Tennyson Last Tourn. 637 Unsay it, unswear!
Hence unˈswearing vbl. n.
[1775Ash.]1822Shelley Chas. I, ii. 321 Thou wilt preside Over a knot of censurers, To the unswearing of thy best resolves.




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