

单词 untame
释义 I. unˈtame, a.
[un-1 7. Cf. Du. ontam, OHG. (MHG.) unzam (G. unzahm), MDa. utam, (M)Sw. otam.]
Not tame or gentle; wild.
1382Wyclif Ecclus. xxx. 8 The vntame hors shal scapen hard.1390Gower Conf. I. 287 Whanne al his resoun was untame.14..Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 589 Indomitus, vntame, wylde.1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 376 If the vntame brayne of Wyndam had..gyuen eare to the counsayle.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xii. xv. 204 How untame by nature these vipers..are.1609Bp. Hall David's Ps. Metaphr. viii, Thou hast..stretcht his raigne Vnto the heards, and beasts vntame.1655W. Hammond Death 54 The whole world obeys Creation's law; only untame man strays.
Hence unˈtameness.
1727Bailey (vol. II), Ungentleness, Untameness, Rudeness.1871Kingsley At Last xvii, In curious contrast to the natural tameness of the Kinkajou was the natural untameness of a beautiful little Night-Monkey.
II. unˈtame, v.
(un-2 3.)
1646Shirley Upon Death of C. Dalby Wks. 1833 VI. 449 Nor did his courage know to make a pause, When honour call'd so loud, and such a cause As would untame a hermit.




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