

单词 unthankful
释义 unˈthankful, a.
[un-1 7. Cf. OE. unþancful, OHG. undancfol.]
1. Not earning thanks or gratitude; unacceptable, unappreciated, thankless; disagreeable.
c1400Apol. Loll. 45 What þing þat þu werkyst is vnþankful to þe Holi Goost.1533Bellenden Livy i. x. (S.T.S.). I. 56 Baith þe pepil[s]..beheld þis vnthankful sicht.Ibid. I. 60. 1598 Sylvester Du Bartas ii. i. iii. Furies 626 Those that (broken with unthankfull toyl) Seek others' Health.1623J. Taylor (Water P.) Discov. by Sea B 7, Which make themselues sicke with drinking such vnthankfull healths.1759Goldsm. Bee No. 8 ⁋14 It is, therefore, one of the most unthankful offices in the world.1815Coleridge Lett. (1895) 642 To be a prophet is..an unthankful office.1855Poultry Chron. III. 363 It must be an unthankful task for judges to award prizes to inferior birds.
b. Inadequate, insufficient. Obs.—1
1491Reg. Aberdon. (Maitl. Cl.) I. 328 Gyf it beis fundin onthankful payment be þe said Jhone to þe said vicar.
2. Not rendering thanks; not feeling or exhibiting gratitude.
1499Contempl. Sinners Prol. A v b, Vnthankfull mannes myndes.1526Tindale 2 Tim. iii. 2 Men shalbe..vnthankfull, vnholy, churlisshe.1565Cooper Thesaurus, Animus ingratus, an vnthankfull harte.16022nd Pt. Return fr. Parnass. iii. ii. 1199 An vnthankefull Viper that will sting the man that reuiued him.1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. lvii. 168 These concurring with unnaturall troubles from most unthankfull sonnes.1702Eng. Theophrastus 91 He that in silence suppresses a favour received is an unthankful Fellow.1722De Foe Relig. Courtsh. i. ii. (1840) 77, I do not think you will ever be unthankful.1768Ross Helenore 60 I'm seeking after twa unthankfu' men.1805Wordsw. Prelude vii. 543 Could a youth..Sit, see, and hear, unthankful, uninspired?
absol.1535Coverdale Luke vi. 35 The Hyest..is kynde, euen to the vnthankfull.1893J. Pulsford Loyalty to Christ II. 367 The Good Shepherd giveth Himself to the unthankful and the evil.
transf.1614B. Jonson Barth. Fair iii. i, The husbandman ought not, for one unthankful year, to forsake the plough.1615R. Brathwait Strappado, etc. (1878) 326 But time vnthankfull time, too soone forgot the Gem she had.1665Boyle Occas. Refl. v. vii, The Thorns and Thistles that are the unthankful Earths wonted productions.
b. Const. for or of (a thing), to (a person).
c1500Kennedie Passion of Christ 373 As seik vnthankfull to þe medicinar.1542Brinklow Compl. iii. 16, I pray God, that we be not vnthanckful for that delyuerance.1580J. Hay in Cath. Tract. (S.T.S.) 33 That I swild nocht appear to be onthankfwll of the said benefeit.1610Donne Pseudo-martyr 289 When Otho..became vnthankfull to the Pope.1711Steele Spect. No. 82 ⁋5 Your Ingratitude..shall not make me unthankful for the Good you have done me.1729Law Serious C. xi. 171 Quarrelsome with others, and unthankful to God.1855Singleton Virgil II. 394 He looks back, Unconscious of events, and for escape Unthankful.
3. Characterized by ingratitude.
1614Bp. Hall Contempl., O.T. v. vi. 107 If yee had said, Choose vs another gouernour, it had been a wicked and vnthankfull motion.1643Secrets Discovered (title-p.), Their perfidious, deceitful, and unthankful proceedings against the welfare of this Kingdom.1665Boyle Occas. Refl., etc. (1848) 54 It were..unthankful towards the Father of Lights, not to make use of the great Light we receive..by the Moon.1721Kelly Scot. Prov. 188 When they whom we have supported make unhandsome, and unthankful Returns.




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