

单词 horde
释义 I. horde, n.|hɔəd|
Forms: 6–8 horda, hord, 7 hordia, 7–8 hoord, 7– horde.
[Ultimately ad. Turkī ordā, also ordī, ordū, urdū camp (see Urdu), whence Russ. ordá horde, clan, crowd, troop, Pol. horda, Ger., Da. horde, Sw. hord, It. orda, Sp., Pr. horda, F. horde (1559 in Hatz.-Darm.). The initial h appears in Polish, and thence in the Western European languages. The various forms horda, horde, hord were due to the various channels through which the word came into Eng.]
1. a. A tribe or troop of Tartar or kindred Asiatic nomads, dwelling in tents or wagons, and migrating from place to place for pasturage, or for war or plunder. b. Also applied to other nomadic tribes.
Golden Horde, name for a tribe who possessed the khanate of Kiptchak, in Eastern Russia and western and central Asia, from the 13th century till 1480.
1555Eden Decades 280 Tartares are diuided by companies which they caule Hordas..they consiste of innumerable Hordas.1560Jenkinson in Hakluyt Voy. (1886) III. 225 The Nagayans..were diuided into diuers companies called Hords.1594Blundevil Exerc. v. (ed. 7) 560 The Tartarians are divided into certaine commonalties, and Colonies, called of them Hordes.1600Fairfax Tasso xvii. xxi, As the Scythian Hordas stray.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 421 Stayed with him in his hord (which consisted of about 1000 housholds of a kindred).1740Thompson & Hogg in Hanway Trav. (1762) I. iv. lii. 239 They are divided into three hordas, under the government of a khan.1799W. Tooke View Russian Emp. II. 78 The Kirghises..have always been divided into three hordes, the great, the middle and the little hordes.1863Kinglake Crimea (1877) I. i. 2 Nations trembled at the coming of the Golden Horde.
b.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 745 (Greenland) In which Tents they lived by hoords.1695Temple Hist. Eng. Introd., Such were the Hords among the Goths, the Clans in Scotland, and Septs in Ireland.1838–42Arnold Hist. Rome (1846) II. xxxiii. 320 Of the Gauls, new hordes had lately arrived from beyond the Alps.1847Disraeli Tancred vi. iv, I am sprung from a horde of Baltic pirates.
c. Anthropol. A loosely-knit social group consisting of about five families.
[1894H. Cunow Verwandtschafts-Organisationen der Australneger iii. 28 In Dr. Hodgkinson's Werk ‘Australia from Port Macquarie to Moreton Bay’ (London 1845)..wird überall..die Bezeichnung ‘tribe’ gebraucht, ich habe dafür den meines Erachtens besser passenden Ausdruck ‘Horde’ gewählt. Unter ‘tribus’ ist stets die aus mehreren verwandten Horden bestehende gröszere Volksgemeinschaft, der Stamm, zu verstehen.]1896F. H. Giddings Princ. Sociol. iii. 275 Practically the horde as a component of the tribe is nearly, but not quite, identical with the clan.1918A. A. Brill tr. Freud's Totem & Taboo iv. 208 Man, too, lived originally in small hordes in which the jealousy of the oldest and strongest male prevented promiscuity.1939Geogr. Jrnl. XCIV. 89 Davidson points out that the horde, a unit of about five families, in all some thirty-five persons, was the largest political unit known to the Australians.1948W. McDougall Introd. Soc. Psychol. (ed. 29) Suppl. iv. 402 That..primitive society took the form of a horde, the leader of which horde, the horde-father, actuated by his sexual jealousy, habitually treated his sons with extreme brutality.
2. transf.
a. A great company, esp. of the savage, uncivilized, or uncultivated; a gang, troop, crew.
1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 426 Pillars of Stone, which sometimes were Hoords of Men and Beasts feeding, transformed.1796Burke Regic. Peace i. Wks. VIII. 99, I hardly shall allow that with the horde of regicides we could..obtain any thing at all deserving the name of peace.1837W. Irving Capt. Bonneville II. 160 Eager to be out of the vicinity of such a piratical horde.188319th Cent. May 901 In all our large cities there are hordes of little ragged urchins who live on the streets.1888H. E. Scudder in Atlantic Monthly Aug. 227/1 This great horde of young readers in America has created a large number of special writers for the young.
b. Of animals: A moving swarm or pack.
1834Lytton Pompeii iv. iv, The grass still moved to the stir of the insect horde.1864Swinburne Atalanta 823 Wolves in a wolfish horde.
Hence horde v. intr., to form a horde; to congregate or live as in a horde.
1821Byron Sardan. v. i. 209 My fathers' house shall never be a cave For wolves to horde and howl in.
II. horde
obs. form of hoard.




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