

单词 allure
释义 I. allure, v.|əˈl(j)ʊə(r)|
Also 5–7 alure.
[a. OFr. alure-r, aleurrer, alerrer to attract, captivate, f. à to + lurer, leurrer to lure, orig. a term of Falconry.]
1. To attract by the offer of some advantage or pleasure; to tempt by something flattering or acceptable; to entice; to win over.
a. to (or from) a person or party.
1401Pol. Poems (1859) II. 54 Alle these ben alured to ȝoure sory secte.1574tr. Marlorat's Apocalips 116 He executeth the office of our mediator, gently alluring vs vnto him.1614Raleigh Hist. World iii. 58 To allure the principall of them to his partie.1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. 67 The foreigners, whom the fame of the discoveries of the Portuguese had allured into their service.1841Macaulay Ess., Hastings 607 The military adventurers who were allured to the Mogul standards.1847Dickens Haunted Man 210 Alluring her towards him.
b. to (or from) a place.
1531Elyot Governor (1875) 12 Excepte with some pleasaunt noyse, thei be alured and conueied vnto an other hyue.1611Bible Hos. ii. 14, I will allure her, and bring her into the wildernesse.1769Goldsm. Des. Vill. 170 He..Allur'd to brighter worlds, and led the way.1781Cowper Lett. Wks. 1876, 73 The fine weather..allures the ladies into the garden.1845Hamilton Pop. Educ. viii. (ed. 2) 187 Many workmen are allured from the country.1846Prescott Ferd. & Is. I. ii. 126 He accordingly sought..to allure him back to Spain.
c. to (or from) a course of action.
1513More Edw. V, Ded. 2 [It] doth allure all well-disposed persons to the imitation of those things.1534On the Passion Wks. 1557, 1274/1 The other lesse euils, that he alewred and alected her with.1577J. Northbrooke Dicing (1843) 104 Him that did teach and practise..vaine pastimes and playes, and did allure children vp therein.1684Bunyan Pilgr. ii. Introd. 134 Things that seem to be hid in words obscure, Do but the Godly mind the more alure, To study.1750Johnson Rambl. No. 170 ⁋12 Had she not been allured by hopes of relief.1870Edgar Runnymede 211 Nothing could allure him from his fidelity to the crown.1880McCarthy Own Times III. xlv. 381 Perhaps he had purposely allured his opponents on.
2. refl. Obs. rare.
1603Florio Montaigne i. xlii. (1632) 145 Such as allure themselves unto it, and that affect to honour..themselves by such service.
3. simply, To exercise an attractive power upon; to appeal temptingly to; to fascinate, charm.
1612Drayton Poly-olb. v. 78 A hundred Nymphs..Whose features might allure the Sea-gods more then thee.1667Milton P.L. iii. 573 The golden Sun in splendor likest Heaven Allur'd his eye.1725Pope Odyss. i. 185 Viands of various kinds allure the taste.1756Burke Vind. Nat. Soc. Wks. I. 63 Some were allured by the modern, others reverenced the ancient.1878B. Taylor Deukalion i. ii. 17 Sad is the message, yet its sense allures.
4. gen. To draw to or towards oneself, draw forth, attract, elicit (a thing). Obs.
1616Sandys in Farr S.P. (1848) 80 O thankful then God's love alure.1622Sparrow Rationale (1661) 174 The Priests..inviting and alluring the mercy of God.1670Cotton Espernon iii. x. 526 He made use of all the odious terms he could invent, to allure his Majesties Indignation.1794Paley Nat. Theol. xx. (1819) 327 A sweet liquor allures the approach of flies.
II. aˈllure, n.1
[f. the vb.]
= allurement.
1548Geste Pr. Masse 132 Not onlye to ryot is synne but the doctryne also therof and the allure to the same.1590T. Watson Poems (1870) 169 Inticd from griefs by some allure diuine.1758Warburton Div. Legat. (ed. 10) III. 87 His images and ideas are by an insensible allure, taken throughout from crowded cities.1901Westm. Gaz. 2 Jan. 1/3 Biskra..Doré like are its allures.1924J. Farnol Loring Mystery (1925) xix. 126 He seemed to find a strange allure in this forbidding prospect.
III. allure, n.2|alyr|
[Fr., f. aller to go: see -ure.]
Gait; mien, air. (See also alure.)
1882Sala in Illustr. Lond. News 23 Sept. 323 She has all the allures of a duchess.1882Myers Renew. Youth 192 O Spanish eyebrows, Spanish eyes, Voice and allures of Spain!




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