

单词 untrussed
释义 unˈtrussed, ppl. a.
[un-1 8, or f. prec.]
1. Unburdened. Obs.—1
a1225Ancr. R. 350 Þeo men þet..goð untrussed lihte ase pilegrimes touward heouene.
2. Untressed; loose. Obs.
c1400[see untressed ppl. a.].1494Lydgate's Bochas vi. Prol. 32 Hir here vntrussyd [MSS. vntressid, -ed] harde sharpe and horryble.a1529Skelton E. Rummyng 147 Theyr lockes about theyr face, Theyr tresses vntrust.1587Turberv. Trag. T. (1837) 30 Untrust her haire hoong rounde about her head.1600Fairfax Tasso xviii. xxvii. 320 The Dryads..Whose armes, halfe naked; lockes vntrussed bee.
3. Having the garments unfastened or undone.
1544T. Phaer Regim. Lyfe (1553) I iiij, Ye ought.. to lette your backe be vntrussed in the sommer.1596Lodge Wits Misery (Hunter. Cl.) IV. 69 His common course is to go alwaies vntrust, except when his shirt is a washing.1607,1647[see ungartered 1].1652Benlowes Theoph. xi. iv, All his clothes so loosely spread, He's so untrust, as if it were not long to bed.1822Scott Nigel v, Three or four pages in the royal livery, but untrussed, unbuttoned.1829Q. Rev. XXXIX. 106 The poor boy who..has stood untrussed and trembling before him.
b. Of points: Unfastened. Obs.
1589Greene Span. Masquerado Wks. (Grosart) V. 244 His cappe pulde ouer his eies, and his pointes vntrust.1616R. C. Times' Whistle v. 2135 Old Monsier Grey-beard with your poynts vntrust.
4. Not trussed for cooking.
1846A. Soyer Cookery 217 Have four spring chickens untrussed.




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