

单词 hotch-pot
释义 hotchpot, hotch-pot|ˈhɒtʃpɒt|
Forms: 3–6 hochepot, 5 -pote, hoche potte, 6 hoch-, hotch(e)potte, 6–7 hochpot, hotch pot, (8 hotch-poe), 6– hotchpot, hotch-pot.
[a. F. hochepot, f. hocher to shake, shake together + pot pot. Used in 1292 as an AF. law term; as a term of Cookery it is known in 15th c., but may be earlier; Ouchepot as a personal sobriquet occurs in 1265 (Hatz.-Darm.). Its precise original application is thus uncertain, since it may have had reference to the shaking together of things in a pot for other than a culinary purpose. Cf. also Du. hutspot hodge-podge. Corruptions of this are hotchpotch, hodgepot, hodge-podge.]
1. = hotchpotch 1.
c1440Anc. Cookery in Househ. Ord. (1790) 432 Goos in Hochepot.a1481Littleton Inst. iii. ii. §267 Cest parol (Hotchpot) est en English A Pudding..un chose avec autres choses ensembles.1530Palsgr. 233/1 Hotchepotte of many meates, haricot.1591Percivall Sp. Dict., Almodrote, a hotchpot of garlicke and cheese.a1648Digby Closet Open. (1669) 179 The Queen Mothers Hotchpot of Mutton, is thus made.1853Kane Grinnell Exp. xxxiv. (1856) 303 Cold merriment, but it concluded with hotchpot and songs.
2. Eng. Law. The blending or gathering together of properties for the purpose of securing equality of division, esp. as practised in certain cases in the distribution of the property of an intestate parent; answering in some respects to the collatio bonorum of the civil law: cf. collation n. 1 b.
[1292Britton iii. viii. §1 Touz heritages ne cheent mie uniement en divisioun ne en hochepot, a partir entre parceners.1303Year-Bk. 30–1 Edw. I, 373 Touz les tenemenz qe sont donez..cherront en hochepot ovesqe les altres tenemenz.]1552Huloet, Hotchpot is also a maner of particion at the common lawe of landes geuen in franck mariage.1574tr. Littleton's Tenures 56 b, No lands shalbee put in hotchpot, with other, but lands that bee geeven in frank mariage alonelye.1741T. Robinson Gavelkind ii. 15 Having put all their Possessions in Hotchpot, made a new Partition.1767Blackstone Comm. II. xxxii. (1809) 516 With regard to lands descending in co-parcenary, that it hath always been, and still is, the common law of England, under the name of hotchpot.1848J. Williams Pers. Prop. iv. iv. (1878) 403 Bring the amount of their advancement into hotchpot.1875Poste Gaius iii. Comm. (ed. 2) 321 On condition that the latter brought their goods into hotchpot (collatio bonorum).
fig.1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) V. 510 Putting all causes together in hotch-pot, the average upon the sum total may thus come to be doubled or trebled.1883F. Galton Human Faculty 190 Throwing these results into a common statistical hotchpot.
3. transf. = hotchpotch 2.
(In early use prob. from the legal sense, but in later chiefly from the dish.)
c1386Chaucer Melib. ⁋291 Ye han cast alle hire wordes in an hochepot [Harl. & Lansd. MSS. hoche poche].1588J. Udall Demonstr. Discip. (Arb.) 4 Schismes, that make a hotchpot of true religion and poperye.1652–62Heylin Cosmogr. iv. (1682) 5 An Hochpot or Medly of many Nations.1871Tylor Prim. Cult. II. 230 The wonderful hotchpot of Hindu and Arabic language and religion.
4. attrib. or as adj.
1588Fraunce Lawiers Log. Ded. ⁋iij, That Hotchpot French, stufft up with such variety of borowed words, wherein our law is written.1795J. S. Hobart in J. Jay's Corr. & Pub. Papers (1893) IV. 95 Henry the 8th..made a kind of hotch-pot business of it, by uniting the ecclesiastical and civil power in his own hands.




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