

单词 unwarned
释义 I. unˈwarned, ppl. a.1 and adv.
[OE. unwarnod (un-1 8). Cf. MDu. ongewa(e)rnet, OHG. ungiwarnôt (MHG. ungewarnet, G. ungewarnt), Sw. ovarnad.]
1. Not warned or forewarned.
c1000Law Northumb. Priests in Thorpe Laws II. 294 Ᵹif preost oðerne unwarnode læte þæs, þe he wite, þæt him hearmian wille, ᵹebete þæt.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 1176 He let also arere Vpe þe water stronge hous, þat hii vnwarned nere.1338R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 13 Scho purueid þat poyson... Brittrik hir lord..Unwarned drank þerof a drauht.1382Wyclif 2 Macc. viii. 6 And he aboue cummynge to castels and cytees, vnwarnyd [L. improvisas], brente hem.1422Yong tr. Secreta Secret. 175 Hit was not y-holde proesse ne chyualry to assayle a man vnwarnyd.1456Cov. Leet Bk. 295 Because no persones shuld be greued be these ordenaunces vnwarned, we ordeyn þat þes ordenaunces be radde to euery of þe seid officers.1693Locke Educ. (1699) 152 As un⁓experienced young Men are apt to do, if they are unwarn'd.1715Ramsay Great Eclipse 23 When this strange darkness overshades the plains, 'Twill give an odd surprise t' unwarned swains.1791Cowper Odyssey i. 48 So now ægisthus..him at his return Hath foully slain, though not unwarn'd by us, That he would surely perish.1806J. Foster Ess. (ed. 2) I. 39 Human beings, entering on life, with..unwarned carelessness of heart.1823Mrs. Hemans Vespers Palermo iii. iv, He must not die unwarn'd.1877Mrs. Oliphant Makers Flor. ix. 230 Wickedness unwarned and wrong unredressed were rampant.
b. Const. of.
c1400Song of Roland 314 [They] may..haue vs euyn as they lest, And we vn-warnyd þer-of in this tid.c1425Wyntoun Cron. iii. ii. 330 Vnwarnyt of thare spyise,..[he] went to bed.c1470Henry Wallace viii. 182 Wallace off Beik wnwarnyt than was he.1513Douglas æneid xii. x. 8 The Latynis.., Quhilk of hys cumming tho onwarnyt weyr.
2. adv. Without warning or announcement.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 2682 Bi a lond weiȝe he wente riȝt, And broȝte vn-warnede on hem fiȝt.c1325Song of Yesterday 170 in E.E.P. (1862) 137 Sum men seiþ þat deþ is a þef, And al vnwarned wol on hym stele.1407Exam. W. de Thorpe (MS. Rawl. C 208) fol. 6 b, Þei ben sodeynli & vn⁓warned brouȝt forþ to ben apposid of aduersaries.c1450Mirk's Festial 39 Þe kyng hymselfe wold mony a tyme vnwarned come to þe mete.
3. Unannounced. Also with -for.
a1400Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. 231/379 Kep vs..from temptaciun of þe fende, Of sodeyn deþ vnwarned to telle, And also from þe pyne of helle.1641Bp. Hall Serm. Wks. 1837 V. 455 One..makes sudden embargoes, and un⁓warned inroads into the adjoining country.1882Piazzi Smith in Nature XXVI. 552 An interval quite long enough to allow of an unwarned-for cyclone having meanwhile entered the country.
Hence unˈwarnedly adv.
15..Exam. W. de Thorpe in Foxe A. & M. (1563) 145/2 They be sodeinly and vnwarnedly brought forth to be apposed of their aduersaries.
II. unˈwarned, ppl. a.2
[un-1 8 + warn v.3]
Not guarded or protected.
a1240Sawles Warde in O.E. Hom. I. 255 For nis his strengðe noht wurð bute hwer se he ifindeð eðeliche ant wake unwarnede of treowe bileaue.




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