

单词 unwhole
释义 unˈwhole, a. Obs.
Forms: α. 1–4 unhal (3 Orm. unnhal), 3–4 unhale. β. 3, 5 unhole (3 onhole), unhol, 4 unholl, 5 unhool.
[OE. unhál (un- un-1 7 + hál whole a.), = OHG. unheil, unhail, Goth. unhails unsound, ON. úheill insincere, Norw. dial. uheil unhealthy, decayed.]
1. Not in good health; unsound, unhealthy; diseased, infirm, sick.
αc888K. ælfred Boeth. xi. §1 Sume habbað bearn ᵹenoᵹe, ac þa beoþ hwilum unhale oððe yfele & unweorþe.c1000ælfric in O.E. Hom. I. 296 Unᵹemetᵹod fæsten, & to mycel forhæfdnyss on æte & on wæte deð þone man unhalne.c1200Ormin 4778 Hiss bodiᵹ toc To rotenn bufenn eorþe All samenn... All þiss wass utenn wiþþ unnhal Þurrh swiþe unnride unnhæle.Ibid. 9393 Ȝiff þatt tin eȝhe iss all unnhal.c1205Lay. 17187 Þa men þe beoð un-hal, heo fareð to þan stane.c1325Metr. Hom. 35, I gif the blind..thair siht,..I mac unhale men al hale.
βa1225Ancr. R. 112 Lo þus þe hole half & te cwike dole drowen þet vuele blod ut frommard þe unhole.c1275Sinners Beware 308 in O.E. Misc. 82 He seyþ þenne, Myne Poure vn-hole hyne To eure dure come.1379Glouc. Cath. MS. 19 No. 1. i. iv. fol. 12 Ellys the body is vnholl & ther after schewith him the vryn.c1425Cursor M. 5137 (Trin.), Her fadir lay vnhol in bedde.
b. Spiritually or morally unsound.
c1000ælfric Hom. II. 470 Se ðe wenð þæt he hal sy, se is unhal.c1275Moral Ode 114 in O.E. Misc. 62 Nis no witnesse al so muchel so monnes owe heorte. For so seyþ þat vnhol is him seolue hwat him smeorteþ.c1325Metr. Hom. 129 Man quaim sinne mad unhale.
c. Of unsound mind. rare—1.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1681 His hert heldet vnhole, he hoped non oþer Bot a best þat he be, a bol oþer an oxe.
d. Unsincere. rare—1.
a1352Minot in Pol. Poems (Rolls) I. 74 In hert he was unhale, He come thare moste for mede.
2. Of food, etc.: Unwholesome. rare—1.
a1225Ancr. R. 370 Ne nomen heo neuer ȝeme hwat was hol, hwat was unhol te eten ne to drincken.
3. Imperfect; defective; incomplete. rare—1.
a1300Cursor M. 23563 For-þi þat godd has ai wroght al, Of his werkes es noght vnhale [Trin. vnhool].




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