

单词 unworth
释义 I. unˈworth, n.
[un-1 12. Cf. Du. onwaarde, G. unwerth, Da. uværd worthlessness; also wanworth n.]
1. Lack of merit or desert. Obs. rare.
1340Ayenb. 35 Þe þridde manere of gavelinge is ine ham þet habbeþ onworþ to lene of hire hand.Ibid. 270 Dyad he [sc. Christ] is, þou hest hueruore: and to sterue þou hest onworþ?
2. Lack or absence of worth; unworthiness.
1835Carlyle in Froude Life (1884) I. 41 Do you reckon..that style (mere dictionary style) has much to do with the worth or unworth of a book?1872Ruskin Fors Clav. xiv. 9 Nature and Heaven command you..to discern worth from unworth in everything.1896A. Austin England's Darling iii. i, Why hath the King Laid this great meed on my un⁓worth?
II. unˈworth, a.1 Obs.
[OE. unweorþ, unwurþ, etc. (un-1 7), = OHG. unwërd (MHG. unwërt, G. unwerth), MLG. unwert, MDu. onwert, onwerd, etc. (Du. onwaard), ON. úverðr. Cf. wanworth a.]
1. = unworthy a. 1–3:
a. Of persons.
c893K. ælfred Oros. iv. vii. §4 æt þæm feorðan cirre hie sendon Hannan heora þone unweorðestan þeᵹn, & he hit abæd.c1000Rule of Chrodegang 70 Preost þe bið cypa & of þam arist of wædlan to rican men, & of unwurðum men to wurðfullum.c1200Vices & Virtues 5 Sume oðre forlæteþ ðe world..and sone hem seluen healdeð for hali, and unwurð healdeþ of oðre.c1205Lay. 3464 He biðe vn⁓worð & lah Þe mon þe litul ah.c1230Hali Meid. 33 Ȝif þu iwurðest him unwurð, & he ase unwurð þe.c1275Prov. ælfred 316 (Trin. Coll. MS.), Swo is moni gadeling godelike on horse, wlanc on weiȝe, and unwurþ on wike.1340Ayenb. 132 Þeruore þe uerþe stape is of þise uirtue: wylni to by y-knawe, and y-healde uor uyl and onworþ.c1425in Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. 641/143 For þou vnworthe resawes me [= Christ], Þu belewys noȝt þat I suld be he.1603M. M. Ane Godlie Dreame xviii, O wretch vnworth, my dayes are vainlie spent.
b. Of things.
c960æthelwold Bened. Rule (Schröer) 138 Þæt heora heortan furþum mid wacum mettum and unweorþum ne syn ofersymede.c1205Lay. 24656 And elche untuhtle Heo talden vnwurðe.a1250Owl & Night. 770 Vuel strengþe is lutel wrþ Ac wisdom ne wrþ neuer vnwrþ.c1320Cast. Love 1112 Woldestou þi finger ȝeue..So vnworth and so vyl chaffare to bugge?1340Ayenb. 215 Ase þe werm is uoul, and lite, þing onworth.
c. With dative, or with preps. (esp. to).
c888K. ælfred Boeth. xxviii, Hu ne wes he þeah ælcum witum lað & unweorð?c1000ælfric Saints' Lives xvi. 367 Se idela ᵹylp us beo æfre unwurð.c1175Lamb. Hom. 49 His beoden beoð aweriede and unwurðe gode.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 89 Þe alre unwurþeste wig one to riden.a1225Leg. Kath. 1531 Stille þine wordes, for ha beoð me unwurð.a1225Ancr. R. 50 Þe blake cloð bitockneð þæt ȝe beoð blake & unwurðe toward þe worlde wiðuten.c1300Beket 653 Unworth ich am of holi churche wardeyn forto beo.1340Ayenb. 49 Þis zenne is zuo onworþ to gode, þet he dede rine uer berninde..ope þe cite of sodome.
2. Undeserved; = unworthy a. 4 a. rare—1.
a1240Lofsong in O.E. Hom. I. 207 Bi þe herde hurtes and þe unwurðe wowes ðet he..willeliche þolede.
Hence unˈworthhead, contempt. Obs.
1340Ayenb. 17 Þe uerste boȝ of prede is ontreuþe, þe oþer onworþhede, þe þridde ouerweninge.Ibid. 29 Þe uerþe [sin] is onworþhede of penonce.
III. unˈworth, a.2
[un-1 7 + worth a.]
Not worthy of (something); = unworthy a. 6. Const. with (a) ns., esp. while, or (b) vbl. ns.
(a)1587Turberv. Trag. T. (1837) 5 Wherein if ought unworth the presse thou finde Unsavorie,..Impute it to the troubles of my minde.1664J. Wilson Projectors iii, Perhaps is may not be unworth your while.1736Bailey Housh. Dict. s.v. Goats, Which if true or not would not be unworth the while of the curious in anatomy to enquire.1848Lowell Fable for Critics 458 You may..deem it not unworth your while to review it.1903T. Hardy Dynasts i. v. vi, Some poor dolt unworth captivity.
(b)1592G. Harvey Four Lett. iii. 25 Baggage stuffe, vnwoorth the aunswering, or reading.1645Milton Tetrach. 6 Many things might be noted..not ordinary, nor unworth the noting.1691J. Wilson Belphegor v. iii, He'll tell ye the Story..not unworth your hearing.
IV. unˈworth, v. Obs.
[OE. unweorðian (f. unweorþ unworth a.1), = MDu. onwerden, MLG. unwerden, ON. úvirða, to slight, etc.; cf. also G. entwerthen to deprive of value.]
1. trans. To treat (a person or thing) disparagingly or with disdain; to slight, despise.
c950Lindisf. Gosp. John viii. 49 Ic diuul ne hafo.., ah ic uorðiᵹe faeder min & ᵹie un-uorðade mec.c1000ælfric in Assmann Ags. Hom. 93 Seo cwen..ne unwurðode na þe ænne mid þan, ac ealle þine ealdormenn and eac þine þeᵹnas.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 181 For we..swo..unwurðeð ure drihten, wurðeð þe deuel.c1200Ormin 18285 Hefiȝlike he shameþþ þe & shendeþþ & unnwurrþeþþ.1340Ayenb. 8 Huo þet onworþeþ his uader and his moder.Ibid. 84 Uirtue makeþ wynne heuene, and onworþi þe wordle.
2. To dishonour (something).
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 213 He sholde..noht shenden godes shafte,..ne swo unwurðin godes handiwerc.




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