

单词 hundreder
释义 hundreder, -or|ˈhʌndrədə(r)|
Also 5–6 hundrythar, hundredour, hunderder.
[f. hundred 5 + -er2: in med.L. hundredārius. Cf. centenarius, centener, centenier.]
1. The bailiff or chief officer of a hundred; the hundred-man.
[1285Act 13 Edw. I, c. 38 Quia etiam vicecomites hundredarii et ballivi libertatum consueverunt gravare subditos suos.1315Rolls Parlt. I. 343/2 Qe les Executions de Brefs qe vendront as Viscontes soient faites par les Hundreders, conuz & jurez en plein Conte.]1455Paston Lett. No. 239 I. 330 The Kyng [Hen. VI.] beyng then in the place of Edmond Westley, hunderdere of the seyd toun of Seynt Albones.1591Lambarde Archeion (1635) 38 That Sheriffes, Coroners, Hundreders, Burgesses, Serjeants, and Beadles, have their Courts within every their particular limits.1607J. Cowell Interpr. (1672), Hundreder,..signifies also him that hath the Jurisdiction of a Hundred, and holdeth the hundred Court..and sometimes it is used for the Bayliff of an Hundred.1761Hume Hist. Eng. I. ii. 50 Twelve freeholders were chosen; who, having sworn, together with the hundreder, or presiding magistrate of that division, to administer impartial justice, proceeded to the examination of that cause.1874Act 37 & 38 Vict. c. 45 §38 Nothing in this Act shall take away..any right or privilege of the hundredor or hereditary sheriff of the hundred of Cashio.
2. An inhabitant of a hundred, especially one liable to be impanelled on a jury.
1501Plumpton Corr. (Camden) 159 All these that is at the end of the names ar Hundrythars.1543–4Act 35 Hen. VIII, c. 6 §3 The shireffe..shall returne in euery suche panell..six sufficient hundredours at the least.1628Coke On Litt. 157 a, In a plea personall, if two hundredors appear, it sufficeth.1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. xxv. (1739) 42 In raising of Forces one hundred were selected ex singulis Pagis, which first were called Centennarii, or Hundreders, from their number.1768Blackstone Comm. III. ix. 161 To oblige the hundredors to make hue and cry after the felon.1818–48Hallam Mid. Ages (1872) II. viii. 406 note, The trial by a jury..replaced that by the body of hundredors.1897Maitland Domesday & Beyond 288 In order that all the hundredors may have an interest in the pursuit of thieves, it is otherwise decreed. Half shall go to the hundred.
3. A centurion. Obs.
c1550Cheke Matt. viii. 8 As Jesus cam into Capernaum, yeer cam an hunderder vnto him and sued vnto him.




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