

单词 hurdle
释义 I. hurdle, n.|ˈhɜːd(ə)l|
Forms: α. 1 hyrdel, (hyrþil), 3 herdel, 4–5 hirdel, 4–6 -dle, 4–7 hurdel, -ell, 5 herd-, hyrd-, hirdyl, -yll(e, -el, -ill, hurdull, 5–6 hyrd-, herdell, hirdil(l, herdyl, -le, (horthell), 6– hurdle. β. 5–6 hardyll, 6 -yll, -ell, 6–7 hardel, 6–8 -le.
[OE. hyrdel:—OTeut. type *hurdilo-z, deriv. of a primitive represented by Goth. haurds, ON. hurð door, OHG. hurt (MHG. hurt, pl. hürte, hürde, Ger. hürde, MDu., Du. horde), wickerwork, hurdle:—OTeut. *hurdí-s, pre-Teut. *kṛtís: cf. L. crātis hurdle, Gr. κυρτία wickerwork, κύρτη, κύρτος fishing-creel, cage, Skr. kṛt to spin, cṛt to fasten together.]
1. a. A portable rectangular frame, orig. having horizontal bars interwoven or wattled with withes of hazel, willow, etc.: = wattle; but now often an open frame with light horizontal bars crossed by uprights, and strengthened by a diagonal bar, like a field gate: used chiefly to form temporary fences, sheep-pens, etc.
c725Corpus Gloss. 600 Cratem, flecta vel hyrþil.c1000ælfric Hom. I. 430 Þa forlet se wælhreowa casere ðone halᵹan lichaman uppon ðam isenan hyrdle.c1050Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 371/30 Crates, hyrdlas.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 4788 Mid hor owe honde hii rerede verst an chirche Of herdles and of ȝerden as hii couþe wurche.1462Marg. Paston in P. Lett. No. 436 II. 85 He schall mak yow as many hyrdyllys as ye nede for yowyr fold.1521in Archæologia (1834) XXV. 437 Pd. to the said Thomas for v dussen hardylls vjs. viijd.1572L. Mascall Plant. & Graff. (1592) 70 Ye shail drie them on hurdells of Oziars made like Lettice windowes.1669Worlidge Syst. Agric. (1681) 327 Hurdles, made in form of Gates, either of spleeted Timber or of Hazle Rods..either serve for gates in Enclosures or to make Sheepfolds or the like.1745Pococke Trav. II. i. ix. 129 The houses of the village..are made of hurdles, covered with clay.1794T. Davis Agric. Wilts in Archæol. Rev. Mar. (1888), Hurdles..six feet long, three and a half feet high, made of hazel-rods closely-wreathed, the upright rods called sails and the long rods wreaths.1880H. Stewart Shepherd's Man. 27 As the crop is eaten, the line of hurdles is moved along the field until the whole is consumed.
b. A frame of this kind used as a barrier to be cleared in races. Also pl., an athletic event consisting of a hurdle-race.
1833hurdle sweepstake [see 3].1870D. P. Blaine Encycl. Rur. Sports (ed. 3) §1284 The hurdles were stout black wattles, which will bend but not break; and were placed, the first near the distance post [etc.].1887T. B. Reed Fifth Form St. Dominic's i. 8 He is certain..to win the mile and the ‘hurdles’ at the Athletic Sports.1897Isis (Oxf.) 13 Nov. 63/1 Three events..: hundred yards, broad jump, and hurdles.1905Athlete Aug. 80/1 R. S. Stromach retained his title in the hurdles.1930Daily Express 8 Sept. 9/5 In the 80 metres hurdles.1948[see clock v.1 1 b].1973Country Life 13 Sept. 693/2 The first peak for the British crowd was the 400 metres hurdles.
c. A kind of frame or sledge on which traitors used to be drawn through the streets to execution.
(This remained part of the legal punishment for high treason till 1870, when it was abolished by Act 33 & 34 Vict. c. 23 §31.)
1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy v. xxxvi, (MS. Digby 230), Egistus was..dempt..On an hirdel naked to be drawe Thoruȝoute þe toun..And aftir ful hiȝe enhonged on a tree.1450in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. I. 115 To do drawe the body of a grete traytour..uppon an hurdull by the stretes of your Citee of London.1577Harrison England ii. xi. (1877) i. 222 Drawing from the prison to the place of execution vpon an hardle or sled.1634Ford P. Warbeck iii. i, Let false Audley Be drawn upon an hurdle from the Newgate To Tower-hill.1769Blackstone Comm. IV. vi. 92 Usually (by connivance, at length ripened by humanity into law) a sledge or hurdle is allowed to preserve the offender from the extreme torment of being dragged on the ground or pavement.1777Sheridan Sch. Scand. ii. i, Many a wretch has rid on a hurdle who has done less mischief.1859Dickens T. Two Cities ii. ii, He'll be drawn on a hurdle to be half hanged.
d. Fortif., etc. A wattled hurdle, used to lay upon marshy ground or across a ditch to provide a firm passage, etc., or, often covered with earth, to stop up a breach, to strengthen a battery, or to protect a work or position from the enemy's fire.
13..K. Alis. 6104 [6088] (Bodl. MS.) Of hirdles & brigges hy maden flores And so hy wenten in to þe mores.1440J. Shirley Dethe K. James (1818) 15 He laid certayne plaunckes and hurdelles over the diches.1489Caxton Faytes of A. ii. xxiv. 137 The trestelles muste be garnissed with hirdellis for to make the aleies and weies to go ouere.1555Eden Decades 97 Theye made a greate trenshe..coueringe the same with hurdels..the dogge tyger chaunsed fyrste into this pitfaul.1704J. Harris Lex. Techn., Hurdles, or Clays, in Fortification, are made of..Twigs of Willows, or Osiers, being 5 or 6 Foot high, and from 3 to 4 Foot broad. They are interwoven very close together, and usually laden with Earth,..to render Batteries firm.1853Stocqueler Milit. Encycl. s.v., Hurdles are constructed in nearly the same manner as gabions, excepting that the picquets are placed in a straight line instead of a circle.
e. fig. An obstacle or difficulty.
1924R. Campbell Flaming Terrapin ii. 34 Their slim keels like horses bounded free To leap the foamy hurdles of the sea.1928Wayzgoose i. 28 O'er lingual hurdles coax your tongues to prance.1966Listener 6 Jan. 13/2 Family planning has some major..hurdles to overcome.1969Radio Times 24 July 23/5 Andrew Cooper describes the hurdles to be cleared by business men eager to win the prize of a seat on the Board of Directors.1971Nature 11 June 346/2 The shuttle's hardest hurdle, however, is in the Senate.
2. Applied to various things formed, like a hurdle, of crossing bars or grating.
a. A sieve, strainer, or colander.
b. Applied to a snowshoe.
c. Hat-making. ‘A grid of wood or wire, on which a bunch of felting hair is laid for bowing’ (Knight Dict. Mech. 1875).
d. Salt-making. (See quot. 1886.)
e. The stick used in the game of lacrosse.
1725Bradley Fam. Dict. s.v. Paste, To be drained upon a Hurdle or Grate, and passed through the Hair-Sieve.1727Ibid. s.v. Cedre, To be taken out, and drain'd in a Cullender or Hurdle.1726Leoni Alberti's Archit. I. 39/1 Those who walk over the Snow..wear upon their Feet hurdles made of Twigs and small Ropes.., the broadness of which keeps them from sinking in the Snow.1837Whittock Bk. Trades (1842) 293 (Hatter) When the workman is bowing he works at a ‘hurdle’, or thin boarded bench with several longitudinal chinks to suffer the dust, &c. to pass through.1886Cheshire Gloss., Hurdle, salt-making term. A table or platform of wood planks running along each side of the pans, for the purpose of receiving the salt when drawn out of the pans.1887Cornh. Mag. Mar. 258 (Lacrosse) The ‘stick’, or ‘hurdle’,..consists of a piece of white ash.
3. attrib. and Comb., as (sense 1) hurdle-fence, hurdle-maker, hurdle-rod, hurdle-stake, hurdle-wall, hurdle-work; hurdle-wise adv.; (sense 1 b) hurdle-jumping, hurdle-leaping; (sense 1 d) hurdle-revetment, hurdle-work; hurdle-house, a wattle house; hurdle-man, (a) a man who looks after hurdled sheep or lambs (see quot. 1880); (b) a man who runs in hurdle-races; hurdle-race, a race in which the contestants have to jump over hurdles; so h. racer, h. racing, h. handicap; hurdle-wood, wood used for wattling or making hurdles.
1609Holland Amm. Marcell. xx. xi. 160 The *hurdle fences of oysiers.1805R. W. Dickson Pract. Agric. (1807) I. 160 A moveable hurdle-fence.1890Daily News 8 Jan. 3/6 The Thames *Hurdle Handicap.
a1879J. S. Brewer Eng. Stud. (1881) 445 London..is still [9th c.] the old town of *hurdle-houses and whitewash.
1883Standard 12 Feb. 2/6 Prudhomme has taken kindly to *hurdle jumping.
1894Times 11 Sept. 16/7 Wire netting has taken the place of sheep hurdles. I have not made a hurdle for quite 15 years, and..the race of *hurdlemakers is as extinct as the race of sawyers.
1880A. C. Grant Bush Life Queensland 459 ‘Toothless, ragged, old grannies’, muttered the *hurdleman.1892Pall Mall G. 18 May 3/1 H. W. Batger is our hurdle man, and he won the 120 yards hurdle championship first in 1888.
1836W. Dyott Diary 23 Mar. (1907) II. 228 Lichfield March races;..a *hurdle race, a new-fashioned sport much in vogue with the fox-hunters.1848Thackeray Bk. Snobs xiv, Lord Glenlivat..broke his neck at a hurdle-race.
1897M. H. Hayes Points of the Horse (ed. 2) xxv. 247 She [a mare] showed herself to be the best chaser and *hurdle-racer of her time.
1840–70D. P. Blaine Encycl. Rur. Sports (ed. 3) §1282 *Hurdle racing came into vogue above fifty years ago..We by no means assert that hurdle leaping, as an organised sport, had not been before practised.
1821in Cobbett Rur. Rides I. 50 The bricks, *hurdlerods and earth say..‘Here dwell vanity and poverty’.
1887H. R. Haweis Light of Ages i. 10 Hindu villages with their *hurdle-surrounded houses.
1833Sporting Mag. Dec., *Hurdle sweepstakes of 5 guineas each, for horses not thorough-bred.
1611Cotgr., Hourdé,..couered with hurdles, or with reed wrought *hurdle-wise.
1649W. Blithe Eng. Improv. Impr. (1653) 160 In four or five years..the Willow rises to gallant *Hurdle-wood.
1851J. S. Macaulay Field Fortif. 127 To form a species of *hurdle⁓work above the fascines.1866Reader 22 Sept. 307 Huts..having a framework of piles and stakes, with wattle or hurdle⁓work of small branches woven between the upright piles.
II. ˈhurdle, v.
[f. prec. n.]
1. trans. To construct like a hurdle; to wattle.
1598Florio, Aggratticcare,..to make grater-wise, to make like a hurdle, to hurdle.
2. To enclose or mark off with hurdles. Also with out, up, round.
1632Sherwood, To hurdle, make vp, hedge, close with hurdles.1770–4A. Young in A. Hunter Georg. Ess. (1803) III. 145 They are usually hurdled off in the same manner as turnips.1789Trans. Soc. Arts (ed. 2) II. 107 A field of rape, hurdled out.1894Times 6 Mar. 4/1 To hurdle off a fresh portion [of meadow] for the ewes every day.
3. To bush-harrow. Obs.
1733Tull Horse-hoeing Husb. ix. 42 A yet worse Contrivance it was, to Till Land with a Hurdle made of Vine Twigs [Virg. Georg. i. 95 Vimineasque trahit crates]..This Harrowing and Hurdling.
4. intr. To run a hurdle-race; to jump over an obstacle, as in a hurdle-race. Also fig. Hence ˈhurdling vbl. n.; also attrib.
1896Ade Artie vii. 60 Artie did not know the tune or the words, so he merely whistled it on speculation, and when he came to the doubtful parts he hurdled.1897Encycl. Sport I. 52/2 Few good sprinters will take to hurdling, as there is little doubt that the mechanical and artificial action necessary in hurdling interferes with speed on the flat.Ibid. 53/1 Hurdling and long jumping ability often go together.1912[see field events (field n. 21)].1923R. D. Paine Comrades of Rolling Ocean xv. 256 He hurdled aboard this True American steamer as soon as he hit New York.1928Daily Mail 31 July 11/5 When Lord Burghley hurdled easily to victory.1955Times 13 Aug. 4/2 Higham hurdled with great élan.




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