

单词 hurry-durry
释义 I. hurry-durry, n. rare.
= hurry-burry.
1732Mrs. Delany in Life & Corr. (1861) I. 389 Mrs. Clayton designs having her assembly..so we must prepare for hurry-durry; but as it will be the only agreeable crowd, I think it may be borne once a week.1774Ibid. Ser. ii. II. 41 Whilst we are enjoying sweet peace in this delightful place, the world is in a hurry-durry.
II. ˈhurry-ˈdurry, a. Obs.
[Cf. hurry n. 1.]
A sailor's epithet applied to rough, boisterous, foul weather. Hence fig. in quot. 1676.
1672State Papers, Domest. (P.R.O.) CCCXIV. No. 90 The wind was at east and blew hard and, as the seamen terme it, was thick hurry durry weather, which is wind and raine.1676Wycherley Pl. Dealer i. Wks. (Rtldg.) 105/2 1 Sail. Nay, there's no more dealing with him, than with the land in a storm, no near — 2 Sail. 'Tis a hurry⁓durry blade. Dost thou remember..when I welcomed him ashore, he gave me a box on the ear, and called me fawning water-dog?1693R. Griffiths Let. to Sir J. Trenchard (P.R.O.), We have mett with very foule hurry-durry weather and much raine.
III. hurry-durry, int. Obs.
An exclamation of impatience or indignation.
1682Otway Venice Pres. iii. i, I will not stir from the door, that I resolve —hurry durry, what, shut me out.Ibid., Hurry durry—good for nothing!1682A. Behn Roundheads iii, How dost do, Nacky? hurry durry! I am come, little Nacky.Ibid. iv. ii, What my Nicky Nacky! Hurry Durry! Nicky Nacky in the Plot?




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