

单词 us self
释义 I. us self etc.:
see self A. 3–4.
II. us self, pron. In later use Eng. regional (north. and north midl.). Emphatic and reflexive pronoun, corresponding to we, us. See ourself pron., ourselves pron.
Brit. |ʌˈsɛlf|, |əˈsɛlf|, U.S. |əˈsɛlf|
Forms: α. OE us selfe[accusative], OE us sylfe[accusative], ME hus seolue, ME ous self, ME ous selue, ME ousselve, ME ous silve, ME us self, ME us seolue, ME us silf, ME us sulf, ME vsself, ME vs self, ME vs selfe, ME vs selff, ME vs selue, ME vsselue, ME vs selve, ME vs silf, ME vs sulue Eng. regional (north. and north midl.) 18 ussel'; β. OE us selfum[dative], OE us silfum[dative], OE us sylfum[dative], lOE– eME us sylfen, eME us sylfæn, ME us seluan, ME us seluen, ME us selwen, ME us seoluen, ME us soluen, ME us suluen, ME vs seluen, ME uss sellfenn[Ormulum] Eng. regional (north. and north midl.) 18– us-sen
[‹ us pron. + self pron. Compare self pron. 3, self pron. 4. Compare later ourself pron.
The modern English regional uses probably show alterations of ourself pron. (compare forms at that entry), rather than a direct reflex of the Middle English forms. Compare also the English regional forms ussels, ussens (see Eng. Dial. Dict. at ussels refl. pron., ussen(s refl. pron.) which probably similarly show alterations of ourselves pron.]
I. Emphatic uses.
1. Used instead of the objective pronoun us as the object of a verb or preposition. Obs.
In quot. 1258, in absolute construction representing the Latin ablative and with singular referent.
OEælfric Homily (Trin. Cambr. B.15.34) in B. Assmann Angelsächsische Homilien u. Heiligenleben (1889) 77 Ne synd na emlice þissere tide þrowunga þam toweardum wuldre, þe bið geswutelod on us sylfum þonne, þæt is on heofonan rice. OE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Tiber. B.iv) anno 1052 Betwyx us sylfum to mycclum forwyrde.c1230(?a 1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 156 Þe þridde þing is þet schrift deð us seoluen þe frut of þes oþre twa & end eð ham baðe, þet is, makeð us godes children.1258Proclam. Henry III in Trans. Philol. Soc. (1868–9) 21 We senden ȝew þis writ open iseined wiþ vre seel... Witnesse vs seluen æt Lunden..In þe Twoandfowertiȝþe ȝeare of vre cruninge.c1330(?c 1300) Reinbrun (Auch.) in J. Zupitza Guy of Warwick (1891) 662 Þar-to þe treuþe pliȝte me Betwene vs-selue to.a1475J. Fortescue Governance of Eng. (Laud) (1885) 135 It shalnot only be goode to owre prince, but also to vs selff, that he be well indowed.
2. In apposition to the first person plural pronoun we: for our part; personally; as far as we are concerned. Obs.
c1175(OE) ælfric Homily (Bodl. 343) in S. Irvine Old Eng. Homilies (1993) 23 We sceolon tocnawæn hwæt we us sylfe beoð, na hwæt we sylfe habbæð.c1275(?a 1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) 7273 We wulleð makien muchel fæht..oðer we us-seoluen of-slaȝen wulleð liggen.c1384Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Rom. viii. 23 We vs silf sorwen with ynne vs the adopcioun of Goddis sones, that is..the staat of Goddis sones bi grace.c1450(c 1400) Bk. Vices & Virtues (Huntington) 230 God..wot what vs nedeþ better þan we vsself cunnen.
II. Reflexive uses.
3. As direct or indirect object, in an accusative and infinitive construction, or as the object of a preposition.
In Old English this collocation represents reflexive us emphasized by self.
OE Vercelli Homilies xiv. 243 Þonne bið sio sægdnes soðlice Gode andfenge gif we us selfe ærest Gode ælmyhtigum onsecgan willað.c1175(OE) Homily (Bodl. 343) in S. Irvine Old Eng. Homilies (1993) 198 Þeah þa [read þe] ða deade ban of þare buriȝnes specon ne maȝon, þeah we maȝen us sylfæn bi þam læren.c1200Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 12970 Uss ne birrþ uss sellfenn nohht. Þurrh modiȝnesse shæwenn.c1230(?a 1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 157 We wreieð wel her & demeð her us seoluen.a1382Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) Baruch i. 13 Fynde we grace in þe siȝte of hem & for vsself preieþ to þe lord oure god.c1405(c 1390) Chaucer Parson's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 273 If þt we seyn þt we be wt oute synne, we deceyuen vs selue.c1443R. Pecock Reule of Crysten Religioun (Morgan M 519) 278 Oure fredom forto reule vs silf bi oure owne resoun and wil..wiþoute an oþer man to be ouer comaunder or constreyner.
1859B. Brierley in Eng. Dial. Dict. (1903) IV. 49 So we crope up th' slates, an plankt ussel' deawn ut th' top.1881S. Evans Evans's Leics. Words (new ed.) 283 Us-sen, ourselves.1963H. Orton & W. J. Halliday Surv. Eng. Dial. I. iii. 1094 [Lancashire] əzsɛl (= ourselves).2002A. Kellett Yorks. Dict. (ed. 2) Us-sen, ourselves.




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