

单词 refete
释义 I. reˈfete, reˈfet, n. Obs. rare.
Also 5 refett, 6 reuet.
[a. OF. *refet, var. refait n. (cf. next), which however is app. not recorded in this sense.]
Nourishment, food, spec. that of fishes; the contents of a fish's stomach.
c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture 577 Codde, haddok, by þe bak splat þem in þe dische liynge, pike owt þe boonus, clense þe refett in þe bely bydynge.Ibid. 839 Playce with wyne, & pike withe his reffett.c1490Promp. Parv. 427/1 (MS. K), Refet of fisshe [Pynson reuet], refectio, refectura.a1500Piers of Fullham 82 in Hazl. E.P.P. II. 5 Eteth of the fysche and be not so lykerows,..ffor thogh the bottomles belyes be not ffyllyd with such refete, Yet the saver of sauze may make yt good mete.
II. reˈfete, reˈfet, pa. pple. Obs.
Also 5 refeet.
[a. OF. refet (= L. refectus), var. refait, pa. pple. of refaire, f. re- re- + faire to make.]
1. Refreshed with food. Also fig.
13..E.E. Allit. P. C. 20 Þay ar happen also þat hungeres after ryȝ t, For þay schal frely be refete ful of alle gode.c1374Chaucer Boeth. iv. pr. vi. 143 (Addit. MS.), Whan þou art wel refresshed and refet [L. refectus] þou shalt ben more stedfast to stye in to heyere questiouns.c1440Promp. Parv. 427/1 Refetyd [Pynson reueted], or refeet, refectus.
2. Nourished, fed, fattened.
c1380Sir Ferumb. 1736 Of grete hertes refet at al y asky of ȝow an hundred.1496Bk. St. Albans, Fishing l ij, The dace is a gentyll fysshe to take & yf it be well refet then is it good meete.1602Carew Cornwall 28 They are refettest (that is fattest) at their first comming from the Sea.




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