

单词 iconism
释义 ˈiconism
[ad. late L. īconismus, a. Gr. εἰκονισµός delineation, f. εἰκονίζειν to iconize (cf. Gr. εἰκόνισµα copy, image).]
a. A representation by some image or figure; imagery; metaphor. Obs.
b. Semiotics. The quality or fact of being an icon or intentional sign.
1656Blount Glossogr., Iconism, a true and lively description.1662Evelyn Chalcogr. v. Misc. Writ. (1805) 321 The annexed Iconisme is thus explained.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. iii. §8. 155 These..in Aristotle's judgment, would be fit iconisms or representations of the Plastick Nature.1680H. More Apocal. Apoc. 47 A Book..which consists of Representations Symbolical or Hieroglyphical, of Iconismes or Images of things future.
1971Language XLVII. 417 Among homotherms—that is, warm-blooded vertebrates, such as birds and mammals—iconism is less salient. Yet it seems to be present, at least latently, in the ‘intention movements’ exhibited..by herring gulls who are about to take flight and who seem, by spreading their wings, not only to be preparing for flight themselves but also to be inviting neighboring gulls to fly with them.
So icoˈnistical a., metaphorical, figurative. Hence icoˈnistically adv., by a figure.
1684H. More Answer 86 Blasphemy being an Iconisme of Idolatry, that sense is more probable for its being Iconistical; the Genius of the Apocalyptick style being such as to signifie Iconistically rather than plainly.




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