

单词 Valentine
释义 Valentine, n.|ˈvæləntaɪn|
Also with lower-case initial, and 5 valantine (6 Sc. -tene), valeyntyne, 5–6 valentyne (6 -tyn); 7 vallentyne; 5 Sc., 6 walentyne (6 Sc. wall-); 5 volentyn(e, -antyne, -ontyn.
[a. OF. (also mod.F.) Valentin, or ad. L. Valentīnus, the name of two early Italian saints, both commemorated on the 14th of February.]
1. (St.) Valentine's day, the 14th of February.
Freq. mentioned with reference to the choosing of sweethearts or the mating of birds.
c1381Chaucer Parl. Foules 309 For this was on seynt Volantynys day Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make.c1430Lydgate's Min. Poems (1911) I. 304 A balade made..in wyse of chesing loues at Saint Valentynes day.c1450Chron. London (Kingsford, 1905) 127 The xiiij day of Feuerell, that is to say vpon seynt Valentyne's day, the Kyng com to London.1523Fitzherb. Husb. §137 And after saynt Valentynes daye, it is tyme to graffe both peares and wardens.1602Shakes. Ham. iv. v. 48 To morrow is S. Valentines day.1668H. More Div. Dial. iii. xiii. (1713) 206 As some..embrace the first they meet on Valentine's day.1725Bourne in Brand Pop. Antiq. (1777) xviii. 209 Such is the Observation of Candlemas-Day, such is Childermas-Day, such Valentine's Day, and some others.1822Nares Gloss. 538 The number of letters sent on Valentine's Day, makes several additional sorters necessary at the Post Office in London.1828Scott F.M. Perth v, How blithe would she have been to see this happy Saint Valentine's morning!1854[see valentine v. 2].
ellipt.1590Shakes. Mids. N. iv. i. 144 Saint Valentine is past, Begin these wood birds but to couple now?1714Gay Shepherd's Week iv. 37 Last Valentine, the day when birds of kind Their paramours with mutual chirpings find.
b. St. Valentine's eve (Sc. Valentine's e'en), the eve of St. Valentine's day.
1671Roxb. Ball. (1890) VII. 113 A Crew on S. Valentine's Eve did meet together.1814–28Somerville Life & Times (1861) 344 Valentine's e'en, and Hallowe'en,..used to be anniversaries observed in every house by the..young people.1828Scott F.M. Perth xiii, I will have no evasions, boy—Where wert thou on St. Valentine's Eve?
2. A person of the opposite sex chosen, drawn by lot, or otherwise determined, on St. Valentine's day, as a sweetheart, lover, or special friend for the ensuing year.
a1450MS. Harl. 1735 fol. 48 (Halliw.), Godys blescyng have he and myn, My none gentyl Volontyn, Good Tomas the frere.1477Paston Lett. III. 170 Unto my ryght welebelovyd Voluntyn, John Paston, Squyer, be this bill delyvered.c1485Digby Myst. (1882) iii. 564 A! god be with my valentynes. My byrd swetyng, my lovys so dere!1535Bury Wills (Camden) 126, I gyf and bequeth to my valentyn Agnes Illyon x s.1596Raleigh Disc. Guiana 23 After the Queens haue chosen, the rest cast lottes for their Valentines.1623in Crt. & Times Jas. I (1848) II. 395 To the great grief of his sweetheart, Mrs. Bray, my ancient valentine.1667Pepys Diary 14 Feb., This morning came up to my wife's bedside..little Will Mercer to be her Valentine... But I am also this year my wife's Valentine.1712W. Rogers Voy. r. World 359 That same Day, in Commemoration of the antient Custom in England of chusing Valentines, I drew up a List of the fair Ladies in Bristol..and sent for my Officers into the Cabbin, where every one drew.1719Ozell tr. Misson's Mem. Trav. Eng. 331 There is another kind of Valentine; which is the first young Man or Woman that Chance throws in your Way in the Street, or elsewhere, on that Day.a1859Macaulay in Sat. Rev. (1863) 152 All good attend my Valentine!
transf.c1750Goldsm. in W. Irving Biog. (1849) iv. 54 With submission at your shrine, Comes a heart your Valentine.
b. Applied to God, or to one of the Saints, as a patron chosen by a worshipper. Obs.
c1450Godstow Register (1911) 14 O true valeyntyne is oure lord to me.1500Will of Hewetts (Somerset Ho.), To..Saint Mary & to her moder Saint Anne my speciall voweis & volentyns on whoos day I was borne.1656Blount Glossogr., Valentines,..Saints chosen for special Patrons for a year, according to the use of the Romanists.
3. A folded paper inscribed with the name of a person to be drawn as a valentine. to draw valentines, to draw lots for this or other reasons.
c1553Cecil Papers (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 134 There is three papers like unto walentynes put in a cap and so they draw.1639Sc. Acts Parlt. (1870) V. 604/2 Act ordaining the Commissioneris of shyris to draw lottis and valentines ȝeirlie at ilk parliament for thair places.1725Bourne in Brand Pop. Antiq. (1777) 225 It is a Ceremony, never omitted among the Vulgar, to draw Lots, which they Term Valentines, on the Eve before Valentine day.1774Pennant Tour Scotl. I. 141 The young people..in February draw Valentines, and from them collect their future fortune in the nuptial state.1787Burns Tam Glen vi, Yestreen at the valentines' dealing,..thrice I drew ane without failing, And thrice it was written—Tam Glen!
b. A gift or present to a person drawn or chosen as one's especial friend on St. Valentine's day. Now only U.S.
c1610in Heriot's Mem. App. vii. (1822) 215 For gold, and making of a Valentine.1621Burton Anat. Mel. iii. ii. ii. iv, Many such allurements there are,..tokens, favours, symbols, letters, valentines, &c.1962A. Lurie Love & Friendship ix. 167 More flowers... On the tables, on the mantelpiece, on the bookcases... All red and white, and of course it was February 14th... Would Will himself see that the whole party was a valentine for him?1965[see peanut brittle s.v. peanut 3 a].
c. A written or printed letter or missive, a card of dainty design with verses or other words, esp. of an amorous or sentimental nature, sent on St. Valentine's day to a person of the opposite sex; in later use also a printed sheet consisting of a more or less grotesque picture with humorous or satirical rhymes (more exactly called a mock valentine).
1824Miss Mitford Village Ser. i. (1863) 42 A fine sheet of flourishing writing, something between a valentine and a sampler.1844Alb. Smith Adv. Mr. Ledbury xxiv. (1886) 73 He had that morning received..a valentine, in a lady's hand⁓writing, and perfectly anonymous.1879Paper & Printing Trades Jrnl. xxix. 20 One occasionally hears that valentines are going out.1898Daily News 15 Feb. 7/1 The Christmas card has apparently killed the valentine... Valentines are still sold, and sent, but they are chiefly of the satirical order.
d. transf. (Cf. valentine v. 1.)
1847Tennyson Princ. v. 229 A song on every spray Of birds that piped their Valentines.
4. Sc.
a. (Meaning uncertain.) Obs.—1
c1450Holland Howlat 918 Thus wycit he the walentyne thraly and thrawin.
b. ‘A sealed letter from the Crown to landholders for the apprehension of persons offending against the law.’ Obs.
1556Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. X. 318 For inbringin of certane personis gevin in valentynis to the airis of Elgin, Banf, and Abirdene.1561Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 169 Thir personis underwritten:..in presence of the Quenis Grace ressavit thair valentinis of the names of the personis culpable of thift.1587Sc. Acts Parlt. (1814) III. 464/2 The kingis Maiesties clois valentynis to be send to the Maisteris,..baillies and chiftanes of all notable lymmeris and thevis.
5. A British type of heavy tank, much used during the war of 1939–45. (So called because production was reputedly approved on 14 Feb. 1938.)
1941Times 7 July 2/2 Details have now been released by the Ministry of Supply of a new British tank, officially designated as the Mark III, but now to be known as Valentine. It is a 16-ton heavy infantry tank.1959Chambers's Encycl. XIII. 451/1 Two cruiser types were in production... The Mark I (A.9) was modified..; this modified type was known as the Mark II (A.10); from it was developed the Valentine.1960C. Barnett Desert Generals v. iii. 212 Of ninety-seven Valentines, eleven returned.1979D. Crow Tanks of World War II iii. 45/1 Infantry Tank Mark III, the Valentine, was produced in far greater numbers than any other British tank. The first Valentine, built by Vickers-Armstrongs..came off the production line in May 1940.
6. attrib. and Comb., as Valentine bag, Valentine card, Valentine glove, Valentine-writer; Valentine-bun (see quot. 1854); Valentine-day = sense 1; Valentine (infantry) tank = sense 5 above.
1695Lady G. Baillie Househ. Bk. (S.H.S.) 257 To Lisi Rainald for my Robin's vallantin gloves.1725Bourne in Brand Pop. Antiq. (1777) 225 On the Eve before Valentine-day.1802(title), Fairburn's Annual, Original, Comic & Entertaining Valentine-writer for the year 1802.1828Miss Mitford Village Ser. iii. (1863) 505 Those that issue from the bursting Valentine-bag of our postman.1854A. E. Baker Northampt. Gloss. s.v., In Peterborough..sweet plum buns were formerly, and I believe are still, made, called Valentine buns.1943W. S. Churchill End of Beginning 140 It would be wrong..to write off as useless..the Valentine tanks.1944Return to Attack (Army Board, N.Z.) 16/2 A squadron of Valentine infantry tanks..was sent to join them.1959I. & P. Opie Lore & Lang. Schoolch. xii. 236 Valentine cards are definitely in fashion again.1977Times 1 Feb. 8/5 Make your own Valentine card.




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