

单词 altogether
释义 altogether, a., adv., and n.|ɔːltəˈgɛðə(r)|
[comb. of all and together. Orig. a mere strengthening of all, but, like all itself, gradually becoming adverbial, in which sense alone it is now used when written in combination.]
A. adj. A strengthened form of all a.
1. The whole together, the entire; everything, the whole, the total. (Often absol.; cf. all A II.) Obs.
1154O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1137 §4 & brenden sythen þe cyrce & al te gædere.c1200Ormin 9581 Issraæle þeod..all togeddre att Drihhtin Godd.1526Tindale 1 Cor. vii. 19 Circumcision is nothynge..but the keppynge of the commaundmentes of god is altogether.1528More Heresyes iv. Wks. 1557, 285/1 Ananias & Saphyra..made semblance as though they brought to the apostles altogether.1611Bible Ex. xix. 18 And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke.Ibid. Ps. cxxxix. 4 There is not a worde in my tongue: but lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether.
2. pl. All united, all in a company; all inclusively; all without exception. Now written separately all together.
1330R. Brunne Chron. 264 Bot alle þei were forholn, & failed þam alle togider.c1400Ywaine & Gaw. 2955 Cumes forth, he said, ye altogeder.1535Coverdale Ezek. xxxiv. 13 Proude wordes agaynst me, which I haue herde altogether.1590Shakes. Com. Err. v. i. 245 Then altogether They fell vpon me.1663Gerbier Counsel 102 Solidity, Conveniency, and Ornament, altogether to be observed in true Building.[Mod. They came separately, but went away all together.]
B. adv. [by gradual transference from the n. to the predicate; cf. all C 1.]
1. Everything being included; in all respects, in every particular; entirely, wholly, totally, quite.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 19 Here fifealde mihte was altegeder attred.c1330Kyng of Tars 601 Whon he hedde altogedere ipreyd, And al that evere he couthe iseyd.1534More On the Passion Wks. 1557, 1373/1 Were he as bad as Judas altogiter.1611Bible John ix. 34 Thou wast altogether born in sins.1712Addison Spect. No. 441 ⁋9 Scenes and Objects, and Companions that are altogether new.1782Priestley Nat. & Rev. Relig. I. 30 The idea of chance is altogether excluded.1857Buckle Civilis. I. ii. 125 In Greece, we see a country altogether the reverse of India.1881Trollope Ayala's Angel III. lvi. 163 That kept me from being altogether wretched.
2. Uninterruptedly, without deviation or admixture. (Cf. all C 4.)
1700Lond. Gaz. mmmdcix/4 A dark Iron-grey Horse..Paces altogether.1709Ibid. mmmmdcviii/4 A Bay Mare,..Trots altogether.
3. for altogether: for all time to come, as a permanent arrangement, finally, definitely, permanently, ‘for good.’ (For is sometimes omitted.)
1548Udall etc. Erasm. Paraphr. Luke xxiv. 44 Did he not once for altogether..take awaie all autoritie from the priestes?1580North Plutarch (1676) 311 Perswading themselves he was fled for altogether.1674Scheffer Lapland xxvi. 121 Most of them then were baptized very late..some deferred it for altogether.1825Bro. Jonathan II. 40 Walter and Edith were not in a humour..for separating..altogether.
4. In all, in total amount.
1797H. Cox Jrnl. Resid. Burmhan Emp. (1821) 93 We were in the palace tent altogether about an hour and a half.1811Jane Austen Sense & Sens. I. ii. 24 Altogether, they will have five hundred a-year amongst them.1871S. T. Hall Morning Studies iii. xii. 158 Debt amounting altogether to not much more, perhaps, than twenty pounds.1928H. W. Freeman Joseph & His Brethren xxx. 259 Altogether they did not spend as much on the whole meal as some of his other customers on drink alone.
5. On the whole, taking everything into account.
a1817Jane Austen Persuasion (1818) IV. xi. 256 Though we could have wished it different, yet altogether we did not think it fair to stand out any longer.1888W. R. Inge Society in Rome 44 Altogether, Roman slavery at this time contrasts favourably in many ways with the negro slavery of Christian nations.1927W. E. Collinson Contemp. Eng. 43 Altogether I cannot think of any modern writer who has exercised so far-reaching an influence on our every-day speech.
C. n.
a. A whole, a tout ensemble.
1667Waterhouse Fire of Lond. 141 Her Congregations, Her Citizens, Her altogether has been as orderly, etc.1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 33 We only call..Gods All-fillingness an altogether, to loosen it from any thing of sundership.1865Pall Mall G. 26 June 9 American fingers..impart a finish and an altogether (this is much better than to steal tout-ensemble from the wicked Emperor).
b. the altogether (colloq.): the nude.
1894Du Maurier Trilby I. 185, I have sat for the ‘altogether’ to several other people.1908Daily Chron. 16 Apr. 5/7 Mme. Sarah Bernhardt frankly says she sees nothing wrong in the ‘altogether’.1947N. Balchin Lord, I was Afraid 52 Should I get a kick out of just seeing a girl in the altogether?
attrib.1896Punch 25 Jan. 45/2 O, Röntgen..Your worse than ‘altogether’ state Of portraiture we bar in toto!
c. pl. A set of tights for the whole body.
1927Observer 24 July 13/2 Sokolova impersonated Death in scarlet altogethers.
There is a common tendency to write altogether where all together is logically preferable. Cf. sense A. 2.
1765H. Glasse Art of Cookery p. iv, Put all the ingredients together again,..strain it off well,..and give it a boil altogether.1837T. Bacon First Impr. Nat. in Hindostan I. 243 Of infinitely greater importance to the creation than the sun, moon and stars altogether.1861Trollope Orley F. I. xxix. 225 In that field the dogs were now running, altogether, so that a sheet might have covered them.1880Grove Dict. Mus. II. 574/2 The pipes of the early organs are said to have sounded at first altogether.1930E. Raymond Jesting Army i. iii. 45 A medical officer..and the whole of his Sick Parade ran altogether.




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