

单词 IHS
释义 IHS
in ME., med.L., etc., also written IHS , Iħs, IHC , Iħc, representing Greek ΙΗσ or ΙΗϹ , a MS. abbreviation of the word ΙΗ(σου)σ or ΙΗ(Ϲου)Ϲ, Jesus; also used as a symbolical or ornamental monogram of the sacred name. Mediæval Latin texts have commonly ihc or ihs, ihm, ihu (with or without a stroke over or across the h (ħ), or other mark of abbreviation) for Iesus, Iesum, Iesu. In ME., the usual form was ihu = Jesu; less frequently ihs, ihc, or ihus . These abbreviations were in later times often erroneously expanded as Ihesus, Ihesum, Ihesu.
The Romanized form of the abbreviation would be IES, but from the entire or partial retention of the Greek form in Latin MSS. as IHC or IHS, and subsequent forgetfulness of its origin, it has often been looked upon as a Latin abbreviation or contraction, and explained by some as standing for Iesus Hominum Salvator, Jesus Saviour of men, by others as In Hoc Signo (vinces), in this sign (thou shalt conquer), or In Hac Salus, in this (cross) is salvation.
[a600Codex Bezæ Luke vi. 5 (Greek text) ΕΙΠΕ ΔΕ ο ΙΗϹ ΠροϹ αυτουϹ. (Latin text) dıxıt autem ıhs ad eos.c950Lindisf. Gosp. (Latin text) Matt. iii. 13 Tunc uenit iħs a galilaea in iordanen.]a1240Wohunge in Cott. Hom. 269 Ihu, swete.c1250Kent. Serm. (Laud MS. 471, lf. 128 b), Cvm natus esset iħc in betleem iude.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. iii. 154 Bi iħus with here ieweles ȝowre iustices she shendeth.Ibid. xvi. 144 Iudas iangeled þere-aȝein ac Ihūs hym tolde.1540Churchw. Acc. St. Giles, Reading (ed. Nash) 59 Paid to the Wardens of Ihc Masse towardes the prestes wages xiijs iijd.1678Trial of Coleman 27 L. Chief Just. What Inscription was upon the Seal? Mr. Oates. Ι.Η.σ. with a Cross, in English it had the Characters of I.H.S.1721Strype Eccl. Mem. III. App. xlviii. 145 JHS is God with us [quoting a title of 1559, which had ‘Jesus is God with us’.]1897Daily News 30 Nov. 7/7 The monograms IHS and XPC, which are so often to be seen in our churches, sorely puzzle a portion of the congregation.




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