

单词 iliac
释义 iliac, a.1 (n.)|ˈɪlɪæk|
Forms: 6 yliac, -ake, ilyacke, ? ylike, 7 iliack(e, -ak, -aque, illiack(e, yliacke, 8–9 illiac, 7– iliac.
[a. F. iliaque or ad. late L. īliac-us (in Cælius, passio īliaca, also īliacī sufferers from colic); the L. is in form a deriv. of īlia (see ilium), but the suffix is Greek (-ακός), and the sense goes with L. īleus, Gr. εἰλεός, ἰλεός, colic, iliac passion; hence it would appear that īleus from Gr. εἰλεός was associated with īlia, and that passio īliaca was interpreted as ‘pain of the ilia’, and the adj. extended in late or med.L. to mean ‘of or pertaining to the ilium’.]
1. Properly, Of the nature of the disease called ileus; but commonly understood as = Pertaining to or affecting the ileum. iliac passion [late L. passio iliaca] = ileus 1: cf. colic passion = colic.
[1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vii. xlix. (1495) 263 This passyon callyd Colica hath a cosyn that hyghte Iliaca passio, and hath that name of a gutte that hyghte Ilion.]1519W. Horman Vulg. 42 b, Etyng esith the ylike passion and greueth the colik.1601Holland Pliny II. 39 Them that are troubled with the Iliack passion, to wit, the paine and ringing of the small guts.1707Floyer Physic. Pulse-Watch 111 In an Iliac Passion there is great Pain and Inflammation of the Ileon.1746R. James Moufet's Health Improvem. Introd. 49 Inflammatory iliac Pains.1856Mrs. Carlyle Lett. II. 297 Some derangement of the bowels,..always expected to terminate fatally in iliac passion.
2. Pertaining to the flank, or to the ilium or flank-bone.
iliac artery, each of the two arteries, right and left, into which the abdominal aorta divides; each of these again divides into two, the external or anterior, and the internal or posterior iliac arteries. iliac bone, the ilium. iliac fossa, the depression on the inner side of the ilium, in which the iliac muscle lies. iliac muscle, a muscle lying close to the ilium, and inserted, together with the psoas magnus, into the small trochanter of the femur; it serves for flexure of the hip-joint. iliac vein, each of the two veins, right and left, formed by the union of the external and internal iliac veins, and uniting to form the inferior vena cava.
1541Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. H ij a, The parties called yliac are ouer the haunches.1615Crooke Body of Man 838 From the vtter branch of the byfurcation of the Illiack trunke..do issue three veynes.1741A. Monro Anat. (ed. 3) 205 The internal Iliac Muscle.1840E. Wilson Anat. Vade-M. v. 284 The internal iliac artery.1854Owen Skel. & Teeth in Circ. Sc., Organ. Nat. I. 221 The iliac bones [of the swan]..are remarkable for their length, and for the number of the vertebræ..to which they are anchylosed.1855Holden Hum. Osteol. (1878) 173 The inner surface of the ilium is slightly excavated, so as to form the ‘iliac fossa’.
B. n.
1. Short for iliac passion. Obs.
1542Boorde Dyetary x. (1870) 257 For them the whiche haue the Ilyacke or the colycke. [c1550Lloyd Treas. Health (1585) A viij, The paynes of the small guttes, called yliaca.]
2. Short for iliac artery, etc.
1782A. Monro Compar. Anat. (ed. 3) 35 The umbilical arteries rise..from the internal iliacs.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) IV. 17 [The umbilical cord] consisting of an artery from each of the fœtal iliacs, and a vein running to the fœtal liver.




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