

单词 vavasory
释义 ˈvavasory
Also 7 valuasserie, 9 vavassory.
[ad. OF. vavas(s)orie, va(u)vasserie, or med.L. vavasoria, f. vavasor: see next.]
An estate held by a vavasour.
1611Cotgr., Vavassorie, a Valuasserie; th'estate, land, or territorie of a Vavassor, Mesne Lord.1656Harrington Oceana (1700) 65 The Middle-Thane..was also call'd a Vavasor, and his Lands a Vavasory.Ibid. 67 It cannot be imagin'd, that the Vavasorys or Freeholds in the People amounted to any considerable proportion.1728Chambers Cycl. s.v., There are base Vavasories, and frank, or noble Vavasories, according as it hath pleas'd the Lord to make his Vavasour.1839Stonehouse Isle of Axholme 124 He was enfeoffed with the vavasories of Camville and Wyville.a1861Sir F. Palgrave Norm. & Eng. III. 405 It is not practicable to ascertain the others who received their rewards by Vavassories or Sub-tenancies.




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