

单词 importunately
释义 importunately, adv.|ɪmˈpɔːtjuːnətlɪ|
[f. importunate a. + -ly2.]
In an importunate manner.
1. Inopportunely, untimely, unseasonably. Obs.
1529More Suppl. Soulys Wks. 288/2 We do..not yet importunatelye bereue you of your rest with cryinge at youre eares at vnseasonable tyme.1658–9Burton's Diary (1828) III. 168, I shall not say the Petition and Advice was unduly, but unseasonably and importunately obtained.
2. In a burdensome or grievous way; grievously; troublesomely. Obs.
1564Golding Justin xlii. (1570) 169 [Hymerus] through his tyrannous crueltie, vexed importunatlie both Babilon and manye other cyties.1577Frampton Joyful News ii. (1596) 50 Deseased with the tertian agewes, so importunatlie.1638Baker tr. Balzac's Lett. (vol. III.) 4 Least I should be importuneately complementall.
b. Gravely, exceedingly. Obs.
1660tr. Amyraldus' Treat. conc. Relig. Pref. 5 An Expedient so importunately beneficial to Mankind, that scarce any Elogiums could be excogitated equal to their praise.1690Locke Hum. Und. iii. x. (1695) 286 Men will not be so importunately dull as not to understand what others say.
3. With pressing or persistent action or purpose; pressingly.
1568Grafton Chron. II. 792 He woulde importunatly [1513 More ‘importunely’] pursue his appetite and have her.1614Bp. Hall Recoll. Treat. 531 What do we now thus importunately catching at shadows?1876Geo. Eliot Dan. Der. iv. xxix, His possible judgment of her actions was telling on her as importunately as Klesmer's judgment of her powers.
4. With persistent or pressing solicitation; with importunity.
1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes 137 He that axid importunatly after he is ones denied & refused his asking.1529S. Fish Supplic. Beggers Ded. (E.E.T.S.) 2 [They] haue begged so importunatly that they haue gotten ynto theyre hondes more then the therd part of all youre Realme.1692Bp. of Chester Charge 5 May 20 We need not doubt of God's help, if we sincerely and importunately pray for it.1719De Foe Crusoe ii. iv, They insisted importunately upon their demand.1874Motley Barneveld II. xiv. 117 He instructed his envoy..importunately and dictatorially to plead the cause.




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