

单词 importunely
释义 imporˈtunely, adv. Now rare.
Also 6 in-.
[f. importune a. + -ly2.]
1. Inopportunely, unseasonably. Obs.
c1425Found. St. Bartholomew's (E.E.T.S.) 25 He mevid hym..with goode and honeste wordes, opportunely and importunely.1609Bible (Douay) Isa. lviii. Comm., Gods preachers must crie, and not cease to crie..opportunely, importunely, with al patience.1716M. Davies Athen. Brit. II. 260 How often has that Frenzical Arian Astrologer been told, and admonish'd Opportunely and Importunely.
2. Grievously, troublesomely. Obs.
a1656Ussher Ann. (1658) 758 He..shewed them how proudly and importunely Antonius had answered to all his mild and just demands.
3. Pressingly, persistently, pertinaciously. Obs.
1502W. Atkynson tr. De Imitatione i. ix. 159 It is a synne of pertynacite & pryde any persone inportunly to offre theyr counsell and specially where they can lytle profyte.1513More Rich. III Wks. 63/1 Without any fear of God..he would importunely [1568 Grafton importunatly] pursue hys appetite, and haue her.a1665J. Goodwin Filled w. the Spirit (1867) 293 It is to be importunely troublesome unto the world, to quarrel almost with every man that comes in our way.
4. With urgent and persistent solicitation; importunately.
1464Plumpton Corr. (Camden) 13 Thomas Eyr clamoreth upon mee importunly for money, so that gif I had any of my own, I wold have stopped him.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 248 b, It wyll craue importunely for sustenaunce, rest, & other recreacyon.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. viii. 4 He heard a voyce that called lowd and cleare..The Palmer lent his eare unto the noyce, To weet who called so importunely.1672J. Worthington Gen. Pref. Mede's Wks. e, Flattery and Covetous Ambition do importunely sollicite men to make a false judgment.1850J. S. B. Monsell Parish Musings (1875) 32 The very things we most desire Most importunely crave.




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