

单词 imposition
释义 imposition|ɪmpəʊˈzɪʃən|
Forms: 4 imposiscion, -sicoun, 5–6 -sicion, (6 inpossession), 5– imposition.
[ME. ad. L. impositiōn-em, n. of action from impōnĕre to place upon, impose, or a. OF. imposition, -icion (1317 in Godef.). First used in the special senses 1 b, 2, 5.]
1. The action of putting, placing, or laying on. Also concr. A layer over something. rare.
1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 38/2 The imposition of the fingers one the mouthes of the Veynes.1599tr. Gabelhouer's Bk. Physicke 54/2 On the sayed Straweberryes you must agayne strewe saulte, and agayne theron an impositione of strawberryes,..continuing the impositione of one on the other till the basen be repleate.1833Medwin Shelley (1847) II. 48 The imposition of my hand on his forehead, instantly put a stop to his spasms.1888Pall Mall G. 6 Dec. 5/1 A Japanese lacquer box..in various stages of development, from the imposition of colour on the first stone to the last.
b. spec. The laying on of hands in blessing, ordination, confirmation, etc. [L. impositio, Vulgate, Acts viii. 18.]
1382Wyclif Bible Pref. Ep. Jerome iii, The grace, the which is ȝouun to hym bi imposicoun [1388 puttyng to] of the prestis hond.1548Cranmer Catech. 230 The ministration of Gods worde..was deryued from the Apostles vnto other after theim by imposition of handes, and gyuynge the holy ghost.1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. lxvi. §1 With prayers of spiritual and personal benediction the manner hath been in all ages to use imposition of hands, as a ceremony betokening our restrained desires to the party, whom we present unto God by prayer.1660Jer. Taylor Worthy Commun. i. iii. 59 Thus we find that the grace of God is given by the imposition of hands.1796Morse Amer. Geog. II. 157 Ministers, or preaching presbyters..alone can..assist at the imposition of hands upon other ministers.1885Catholic Dict. (ed. 3) s.v., In two instances (the imposition of hands in ordination and confirmation) it [the rite] has received a sacramental efficacy.
c. Print. The imposing or arranging of pages of type in the forme.
1824J. Johnson Typogr. II. vii. 144 A general outline for the imposition of whatever odd matter there may be at the conclusion of a work.Ibid. xiv. 495 Pages..laid down for imposition, without folios or head lines, must be rectified by the person who has been slovenly enough to adopt this plan.
2. The action of attaching, affixing, or ascribing; bestowal (of a name, etc.).
1387–8T. Usk Test. Love ii. iv. (Skeat) l. 141 Wel, quod I, this inpossession I wol wel understande.1430–40Lydg. Bochas i. i. (1544) 1 b, Adam made an imposicion..to those beastes all Of very reason what men should them call.1599Hakluyt Voy. II. ii. 89 Termed Cantam, which is rather the common name of the prouince, then a word of their proper imposition.1709Steele Tatler No. 49 ⁋1 The Imposition of honest Names and Words upon improper Subjects.1870J. H. Newman Gram. Assent i. §2. 7 By our apprehension of propositions I mean our imposition of a sense on the terms of which they are composed.
3. Imputation, accusation, charge. Obs.
1611Shakes. Wint. T. i. ii. 74 The Imposition clear'd, Hereditarie ours.
4. The action of imposing or laying as a burden, duty, charge, or task; the action of inflicting, levying, enjoining, or enforcing.
1593Shakes. Lucr. 1697 At this request..Each present Lord began to promise aide, As bound in Knighthood to her imposition.1594Hooker Eccl. Pol. i. ii. §6 The Imposition of this Law upon himself is his own free and voluntary Act.1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. ii. i. ii. (1651) 51 The superstitious impositions of fasts.1841Myers Cath. Th. iii. §34. 123 Opinions..not derived from forcible external imposition.1845McCulloch Taxation i. iv. 108 The effects that would result from the imposition of taxes.
b. The levying of a tax; taxation. Obs.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. i. pr. iv. 9 (Camb. MS.) Coempcion..þat weere estabelyssed vp on the poeple by swich a manere imposiscion as who so bowhte a bossel corn he moste yeue the kynge the fifte part.1628in Clarendon Hist. Reb. iii. §217 Any power of Imposition upon any Merchandizes.
5. Anything imposed, levied, or enjoined:
a. An impost; tax, duty; spec. in pl. duties upon imports and exports imposed by the royal prerogative.
c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. x. (1885) 132 He takith certayn imposicions made by hym selff vppon euery oxe.1483Act 1 Rich. III, c. 2 A new Imposition called a Benevolence.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lx. 210 He hath reissyd vp in all his londes new taylles & gables & inpossessyons.1689Burnet Tracts I. 44 Those who stay behind, can scarce live and pay those grievous Impositions that are laid upon them.1839Keightley Hist. Eng. I. 83 The lands of the church were also subject to the ordinary impositions for the public service.1863H. Cox Instit. iii. ii. 601 Prerogative impositions at the ports were dormant from the reign of Edward III. to that of Mary.
b. A command, charge, or ordinance imposed or laid upon one. Obs.
1596Shakes. Merch. V. iii. iv. 33, I doe desire you Not to denie this imposition, The which my loue and some necessity Now layes vpon you.1601Holland Pliny II. 513 In those capitulations of peace..I find this expresse article and imposition, that they should not vse yron, but only about tillage of the ground.1637R. Humfrey tr. St. Ambrose i. 141 His imposition, ‘let those in Iudea flie to the mountaines’.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. iii. 7 The decrees and ceremonial impositions of men.
c. A literary exercise or task imposed as a punishment at school or college. (Colloquially abbreviated impo or impot.)
1746Warton Progr. Discontent 121 When impositions were supplyd To light my pipe, or sooth my pride.1785Minor Poems Milton 422 note (Webster), Literary tasks called impositions.1806–7J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life (1826) xii. Concl. 322, I have never forgotten the passage, since I once translated it at Oxford as an imposition.1844J. T. J. Hewlett Parsons & W. xv, The penalty for transgressing this..was a long imposition—task some would call it.1899Punch 22 Feb. 88/2, I..got an ‘impot’ for cribbing a Greek exercise.
6. The action of imposing upon or deceiving by palming off what is false or unreal; an instance of this, an imposture.
1632Lithgow Trav. iii. 108 When the flat contrary of his abjured impositions, is infallibly knowne to be of undoubted trueth.1708Swift Death Partridge, The predictions you printed..were mere impositions on the people.1749Fielding Tom Jones xvi. ix, He was afraid Miss Western would never agree to an imposition of this kind.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) II. 83 He who would either impose on others or escape imposition must know the truth.




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