

单词 imposterous
释义 imˈposterous, a. Obs.
[f. imposter, impostor, or perh. (from the date) imposture + -ous; cf. impostorous, -trous, -turous.]
1. Of the nature of an imposture; false.
1562W. Bullein Bk. Simples 44 a, Nothing, but the imposterous subtiltie of wicked people.1607Beaum. & Fl. Woman-Hater iii. ii, To hold thy strictness false and imposterous.1665J. Spenser Vulg. Prophecies 4 So imposterous and litigious an Argument as this is.
2. Having the character of an impostor.
a1626Middleton Mayor Queenborough ii. iii. 235 When thou'rt known to be a whore imposterous.a1640Day Parl. Bees ix. (1881) 56 This Satyre is the Character Of an imposterous Quacksalver.1652Gaule Magastrom. 370 Executed for an imposterous traytor.
Hence imˈposterously adv.
1657W. Morice Coena quasi κοινὴ Def. xi. 123 They would not dare to argue so imposterously.




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