

单词 impregnable
释义 impregnable, a. (n.)|ɪmˈprɛgnəb(ə)l|
Forms: 5–7 imprenable, (5 inprenable, 6 inprennable, enprenabill), 6 impreignable, inpreyngnable, impreniable, 6– impregnable.
[Corrupted from impreignable, imprenable, a. F. imprenable, f. im- (im-2) + prenable able to be taken, f. pren-, stem of prendre to take. The g was evidently in imitation of the g mute in reign, deign, and the like, though it appears to have sometimes led in 16th c. to the pronunciation (nj).]
1. Of a fortress or stronghold: That cannot be taken by arms; incapable of being reduced by force; capable of holding out against all attacks.
1430–40Lydg. Bochas vii. ix. (MS. Bodl.) lf. 360 b, Dreeding non enmy, for it was Imprenable.1477Earl Rivers Dictes 129 Dimycrates saide pacience is a castell imprenable.1530Palsgr. 756/2 The castell whiche men wente had ben inprennable is throwen downe nowe.1531Elyot Gov. i. xxvii, A fewe englisshe archers haue..also wonne impreignable cities and stronge holdes.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lix. 203 Stondyng on a rocke on the see syde, it was impreyngnable.1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV, 228 What a folye was this in duke Charles, to besege a towne impregnable.1553Brende Q. Curtius C v, They said they knewe it to be impreniable.1556J. Heywood Spider & F. lvii. 134 Se thenprenabill fort: in euery border.1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, iv. i. 44 Let vs be back'd with God, and with the Seas, Which he hath giu'n for fence impregnable.1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. ii. xix. 120 Such a mans soul is an impregnable fort.1776Gibbon Decl. & F. xiii. I. 369 Rendering his camp impregnable to the sallies of the besieged multitude.1885Ruskin Pleas. Eng. 100 The Normans set themselves to build impregnable military walls.
2. fig. That cannot be overcome or vanquished; invincible, unconquerable, proof against attack.
1582N. Lichefield tr. Castanheda's Conq. E. Ind. ii. 4 b, Valyauntnesse of minde (for atteining of things impregnable).1602Marston Ant. & Mel. iii. Wks. 1856 I. 37, I find them wondrous chaste, Impregnable.a1661Fuller Worthies (1840) III. 309 He wrote an excellent book..containing impregnable truth.1710Steele Tatler No. 101 ⁋1 This Iniquity is committed by a most impregnable Set of Mortals, Men who are Rogues within the Law.1856Kane Arct. Expl. I. xxxii. 448, I do not fear the cold: we are impregnable in our furs.1862Carlyle Fredk. Gt. viii. v. (1872) III. 29 A man politely impregnable to the intrusion of human curiosity.
B. as n. That which is impregnable. rare.
1803Gentl. Mag. in Spirit Pub. Jrnls. (1804) VII. 43 Disappointed in attacking our impregnables.




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