

单词 verament
释义 ˈverament, adv. Obs.
Forms: α. 4 vere-, 4–6 verrement (4 verree-). β. 4–6 vera-, 4–5 verra-, 5 Sc. werrament.
[ad. AF. veirement (cf. mod. Walloon vèrement), = OF. voirement (still in dial. use), f. veir, voir:—L. vērus true. The β-forms may be partly due to the influence of verraiment veriment.]
Really, truly; = veriment adv.
Freq. c 1330–c 1560, esp. in β-form, often as a mere tag or rime-word.
α1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 651 Ȝyf þou wene þat verement, Hyt ys aȝens þys comaundement.c1325Spec. Gy Warw. 877 Þu shalt fonge verreement Þare þi rihte iugement.c1400T. Chestre Launfal 485 Many a knyght, verement, To ground was ibore.a1450Myrc Par. Pr. 390 These þre poyntes verement Nowþer schale do, bot boþe assent.15..W. Broun in Bannatyne MS. (Hunt. Cl.) 138/6 With havy hairt and mekle dreid I red the scriptour verement.
βc1325Lai le Freine 255 He..bad his man sigge, verrament, He schuld toward a turnament.c1386Chaucer Sir Thopas 2 Listeneth, lordings, in good entent, And I wol tell you verament Of mirth and of solas.1426Audelay Poems 6 Fore thou art bounden, go were thou goo,..Ther is no mon may hit undoo Bot he be cursid verament.c1460Towneley Myst. iii. 6 The son, the moyne, verament, Thou maide.a1510Douglas K. Hart ii. 470 Go send for Deid, thus said he verament.1561Queen Esther A iij b, In their mynde they thyncke verament That either for riches & honour Iustis will doe.1606N. Baxter Sidney's Ourania D 4 b, Yet not in any sort colour verament For no colours hath the starrie firmament.1611in Coryat's Crudities Panegyr. Verses, He did his homage verament And salued them each one.
b. quasi-n. in verament, = prec.
c1450Songs, Carols, etc. (1907) i. xi. 3 In this tyme God hath sent Hys own Son..To dwell with vs in verament.c1470Henry Wallace ix. 1208 It is for gud at he is fra us went; It sall ye se, trast weill, in werrament.c1550Rolland Crt. Venus i. 763 [They] deput ane to gif diffinitiue Answer agane..Quhilk Lady hecht Themis in verament.1599Nashe Lenten Stuff Wks. (Grosart) V. 247 In verament and sincerity, I neuer crouded through this confluent herring faire.




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