

单词 impudency
释义 impudency Now rare.|ˈɪmpjʊdənsɪ|
[ad. L. impudēntia: see prec. and -ency.]
1. Shamelessness, immodesty; = impudence 1.
1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Matt. xxvi. 117 Insomuche that he ioyned impudencie and unshamefastenes.1577Bull Luther's Comm. Ps. Grad. 237 The impudencie of the monks..was so great that I am ashamed to speak it.1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 329 Although too much shamefastnesse, when it is causelesse, is woorthy of blame..yet is it more praise-woorthy then impudency.1648Eikon Bas. xxi. (1824) 218 Nor did his [Noah's] open infirmity justifie Chams impudency.1864Fraser's Mag. Oct. 508 Were she as naked as Diana, there should be no impudency on the figure of Imogen.1892Harper's Mag. Sept. 494/2 In his earlier tales he seemed to seek pleasure with the impudency of a splendidly healthy young faun.
b. with an and pl.
1628Wither Brit. Rememb. iv. 255 For those impudencies, Those riots, and those other foule offences.1845Blackw. Mag. LVIII. 369 The whole dialogue..is polluted with similar impudencies.
2. Shameless effrontery; = impudence 2.
1529Frith Antithesis lxxviii. in Pistle Chr. Rdr. 102 What impudencye is this? I thinke he wold saye also that an Asse were a man yf he thought to gette eny avantage thorow it.1615Crooke Body of Man 258 Some haue growne to that impudencie, that they haue denied a woman to haue a soule as man hath.1655H. More App. Antid. (1662) 162 That will..argue..rash boldness and blind impudency in him that shall return so irrational an Answer.1871Browning Balaust. 1604 Alas and yet again! How full is age of impudency!
b. with an and pl.
1624Capt. Smith Virginia v. 194 It had beene a high impudency and presumption to haue medled with them.1644Hammond Loyal Convert 10 How, for their encouragement, are Lyes and brasse-brow'd Impudencies invented.
3. = impudence 3. Obs.
c1610Women Saints 167 All humane helpe being despayred of..in fine, of holie and notable impudencie, she imitated the woman, that..pressed to touch the hemme of Christs garment.




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