

单词 verbose
释义 verbose, a.|vəˈbəʊs|
[ad. L. verbōs-us, f. verbum word. Cf. It., Sp., Pg. verboso, OF. verbos, mod.F. (from 17th c.) verbeux.]
1. Expressed in an unnecessary number of words; prolix, wordy.
1672Penn Spir. Truth Vind. 8 Which I am assur'd is quite another thing, from what is Verbose, Abusive Cavelling, Airy, and meerly Notional.1681H. Nevile Plato Rediv. 159 For there was no need to make Acts verbose, when the great Persons could presently force the Execution of them.1721Strype Eccl. Mem. I. xlviii. 357 [They] foresaw, that in these conferences..there would happen nothing but verbose janglings and endless disceptations.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) I. 170 A verbose, but not a very elegant inscription.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xxviii. (1787) III. 75 note, Few facts, and few sentiments, can be extracted from his verbose correspondence.1826F. Reynolds Life & Times II. 97 Wilkes,..instead of attempting to gain silence, by any verbose circumlocutory appeal, proceeded at once to the point.1841W. Spalding Italy & It. Isl. II. 392 His style..is not only inartificially complex, but verbose to the very brink of tediousness.1870Burton Hist. Scot. lxix. (1873) VI. 164 Countless papers, expressed in..verbose and tedious tenor.
2. Using an excessive number of words; writing or speaking at excessive length; long-winded.
1692Washington Milton's Def. People Eng. M.'s Wks. 1851 VIII. Pref. 1, I fear, lest..I might seem to deserve justly to be accounted a verbose and silly Defender.1726Ayliffe Parergon 56 They ought to be brief, and not too verbose in their way of speaking.1776Adam Smith W.N. ii. iv. (1869) I. 358 The conveyances of a verbose attorney.1820Scott Monast. x, Undergoing the legends of the dull and verbose Father Nicolas.1874Green Short Hist. ii. §3. 67 Dudo of S. Quentin, a verbose and confused writer, has preserved the earliest Norman traditions.
b. quasi-adv. In a verbose manner.
1791Cowper Odyss. xvii. 474 Peace! answer not verbose a man like him.




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