

单词 amaritude
释义 aˈmaritude Obs.
[a. OFr. amaritude:—L. amāritūdo bitterness, f. amār-us bitter.]
1490Caxton Eneydos xxvi. 94 Thou haste absorbed me and reclosed in the grete see of amarytude.1599A. M. Gabelhouer's Bk. Physic 18/1 Adde thervnto a little Suger, that heereby the amaritude may somewhat be diminished.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. viii. (1632) 576 With much more bleeding amaritude of spirit.1666G. Harvey Morbus Angl. (J.) What amaritude or acrimony is deprehended in choler.1755in Johnson; and in mod. Dicts.




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