

单词 inconstance
释义 inˈconstance Obs.
[a. F. inconstance (13th c.), ad. L. inconstāntia, n. of quality f. inconstānt-em inconstant: see -ance.]
1. Fickleness of conduct: = inconstancy 1.
c1386Chaucer Sompn. T. 250 What nedeth yow diuerse freres seche?.. Youre inconstance is youre confusioun.c1450tr. De Imitatione i. xiii. 14 The begynnyng of all temptacions is inconstance of herte & litel trust in god.1485Caxton Chas. Gt. 112 Sortybrant, which knewe the mutabylyte of wymmen & thynconstaunce.1549Compl. Scot. iv. 30 That terme youthed suld be vndirstandin for ignorance ande inconstance.1660tr. Amyraldus' Treat. conc. Relig. ii. ix. 288 The inconstance and imbecillity of man.1712Blackmore Creation 314 From fair to fair with gay inconstance rove.
2. Mutability of things: = inconstancy 2.
1509Barclay Shyp of Folys (1874) II. 240 It lytell auayleth..A whyle to lyue well in suche inconstance.1569Spenser Visions of Bellay xi. in Theat. Worldlings, Wearie to see th' inconstance of the heauens.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 421 (R.) The uncertainty and inconstance of mutable fortune.
3. Inconsistency: = inconstancy 3
1529More Dyaloge iv. iii. 103 a/2 Whan he chaungeth so often, and wryteth euer the longer, the more contrary..But I pray you how excuseth he hys inconstaunce [Wks. (1557) inconstauncie]?




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