

单词 ambassiate
释义 amˈbassiate Obs.
Also 5 ambacyat, -assite, -assat(e, -asset, 5–6 -axat, -assiat; also embassiate, embasset, imbasset.
[ad. med.L. ambassiata, also -asciata, -asiata, -asseata, -axiata, -assata, -axata, for *ambactiāta: see ambassade, a doublet of this word through Sp. and Fr., with which the later forms of this were at length blended; also ambassy from the cognate Fr. form.]
1. The business or message of an ambassador.
a1400Cov. Myst. 77 Now myn imbasset I have seyd to yow thus.1417Hen. V in Ellis Orig. Lett. iii. 26 I. 61 Thambassiatours of oure Brothir the Duc of Baire have been here with us and doon theire Ambassiat.1419Assheton ibid. ii. 22 I. 73 When that he comes on his Ambassate.1430Lydg. Chron. Troy ii. xvi, Of one assent to make ambassyat.c1430Bochas v. xv. (1554) 133 a, In this Ambasset..had none audience.1440Shirley Dethe K. James (1818) 23 Beyng in Scotteland, upon his ambassite.1447O. Bokenham Lyvys of Seyntys 52 b, Whan the aungel thus his ambacyat Had brefly doon.1461Wyndesore in Paston Lett. 416 II. 52 Goyng uppon an ambassate to the Frenshe Kyng.1513Douglas æneis viii. iii. 108 Nowthir by ambassiat, message, nor writingis.1548Hall Chron. 847 Ambassiates, excuses, allegacions.
2. A body of men sent on a message by a sovereign or other authority; an embassy.
1461Paston Lett. 416 II. 52 We shall have a gret ambassate out of Scotland.1513Douglas æneis xi. lvi. 27 The ambassiat that was returnit agane.1529Rastell Pastyme (1811) 101 They sende an embasset to Aecias.1535Stewart Cron. Scotl. II. 221 Ane greit ambaxat suddantlie he send.1580North Plutarch (1676) 140 Twenty persons of this Ambassiate.
3. A single envoy or ambassador. [Fr. ambassade (masc.), Pr. ambaissat. Cf. -ade3.]
1470Harding Chron. lxxxi, He..sent his letters with his Ambassatis.c1520State Let. in Burnet Hist. Ref. II. 95 The French king hath sent hither an Ambassiate, Monsieur de Langes.1535Stewart Cron. Scotl. I. 55 The ambaxat tuke leve and passit hame.




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