

单词 viander
释义 I. ˈviander1 Obs.
Forms: α. 4 vyaundour, viandoure, 5 Sc. vyanddour, wyandoure. β. 5 vyander (?), 6 vyandre, 6–7 viander.
[a. AF. via(u)ndour, viandere, OF. viandiere, viandier, f. viande viand1.]
1. One who provides viands or good cheer for his household or guests; a (liberal) host or entertainer. Usually with adjs., esp. good.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 4076 Knyght was he fol god in stour, & lyberal man, & vyaundour [v.r. & metegift man viandoure].14..Forme of Cury in Warner Antiq. Culin. (1791) 1 Kyng Richard the Secunde kyng of Inglond,..the which was accounted the best and ryallest vyand[er] of alle cristen kynges.c1425Wyntoun Cron. ix. x. 1130 This Kyng wes wys and debonare; Gud vyanddour, and fed hym fare.1519W. Horman Vulg. 152 b, Placis to kepe all maner of foulle be requyred in a good vianders house [L. in domo dapsili].1534Whitinton Tullyes Offices ii. (1540) 101 One called Cimo in Athenes was also a lyberall vyandre to his frendes.1577Stanyhurst Descr. Irel. iv. 18/1 in Holinshed, Wherein she fareth lyke one, that, to purchase y⊇ name of a sumptuous francklene or a good viander, woulde bidde diuers guestes to a costly and daintie dinner [etc.].
2. One who provides himself with good cheer; one who is fond of good living.
1539Cranmer Let. in Misc. Writ. (Parker Soc.) II. 396 How..prebendaries have..spent..their substance in superfluous belly cheer... Commonly a prebendary is neither a learner, nor teacher, but a good viander.1780Pegge Pref. to Forme of Cury p. v, It is certain that Hardicnut stands on record as an egregious glutton, but he is not particularly famous for being a curious Viander.
3. A supplier or seller of provisions.
1598Barret Theor. Warres v. ii. 151 These vianders, and marchants, doth the Lord Marshall assure and guard.1622F. Markham Bk. War iii. iv. 94 The Armie shall euer haue great resort of Victuallers, Vianders, Sutlers and all occupations to relieve euery want.
4. (See quot. 1778.)
1761London Gaz. 17–21 Jan. 2/1 The Vyanders and Principal Inhabitants of the Borough of Newport.1778Eng. Gazetteer (ed. 2), Newport, Cornw[all],..has sent members to parliament ever since the 6th of Edward VI, who are returned by two officers, called vianders.
II. ˈviander2 Obs.
Also 6 viandre, 7 -dour.
[ad. OF. viandier, f. as prec.]
Viands, victuals, food.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI, 142 b, The Englishemen..prohibited the Gascoynes to minister to his armie, viandre and sustenaunce.Ibid. 148 b, The sumptuous feast..the delicate viander.1567J. Maplet Gr. Forest 105 She..goeth another way to the Viander and vittailes, and there eateth hir fyll.1625J. Robinson Ess. xxxi. (1851) I. 134 Though it seem unreasonable that the less way men have to go, they should be careful for the more viandour and provision for their journey.




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