

单词 video-
释义 video-|ˈvɪdɪəʊ|
video n. used as a formative element and also as an attributive use of the simple term. (Collocations are variously hyphened or written as one or two words, and it is therefore difficult to distinguish between formative and attributive origin: the forms below offer some guide to their most common style.) video amplifier, an amplifier able to amplify the wide range of frequencies present in video signals and suited to delivering a signal to the picture tube of a television set; video art, art in which a video recording is the medium; so video artist; video camera, a camera for producing an electrical signal corresponding to a changing scene, suitable for feeding to a video recorder; videocaˈssette, a cassette of videotape; freq. attrib.; ˈvideo-ˌconference, an arrangement in which television sets linked by telephone lines or the like are used to enable a group of people in different places to see and hear whichever of them is speaking at the time; hence video-ˈconferencing vbl. n., telecommunication in the form of a videoconference; ˈvideo-disc, a disc on which (moving or static) visual images have been recorded in non-representational form for subsequent reproduction on a television screen or the like; video display terminal or unit = visual display unit s.v. visual a. 6 e; abbrev. VDU s.v. V 5 b; video film, orig., a cinematographic film of a television broadcast; now, a recording on a videocassette; video frequency, a frequency in the range employed for the video signal in television (viz. a few hertz to several million hertz), esp. one in the higher part of this range; freq. attrib.; video game, a game played by electronically manipulating images displayed on a television screen; video map, a map produced electronically on a radar screen to assist in navigation; so video mapping; video nasty colloq., a horror video film; ˈvideophone, a telephone incorporating a television screen on which the other person may be seen speaking; also as v. trans.; video piracy, the illegal production and sale of copies of commercial video films; so video pirate; video-player, a machine used in conjunction with a television for playing videocassettes; ˈvideoporn colloq., pornography on videotape; video signal, a signal that contains all the information required for producing the picture in television broadcasting; video-ˈtelephone = videophone above; video terminal = video display unit above.
1937Electronics Aug. 22/1 A video amplifier is one that is responsive to picture signals, and therefore, is an extremely good audio as well as a very wide band radio frequency amplifier.1975D. G. Fink Electronics Engineers' Handbk. xx. 55 Finally the video amplifier raises the signal to from 50 to 100 V to drive the picture tube.
1972Harper's Mag. June 92 Few of these programs are going to win awards as video art.Ibid. 90 Russ Connor is now in charge of granting money through the New York State Council to independent video artists.1975N.Y. Times 14 Apr. 33 Mr. Gillette..is one of a growing breed of video artists, for whom the TV screen has become an esthetic medium... They produce video⁓tapes that take ingenious advantage of the technology.1975New Yorker 5 May 44/1 The video-art movement, which has been in high gear for more than three years now, can have come as a surprise to practically no one.1978Chicago June 14/4 Channel 11 producer Tom Weinburg [is] a video artist and part-owner of the White Sox.
1978Tucson Mag. Dec. 28/1 Videocameras for home productions range from $300 to $1500.1983New Scientist 24 Mar. 793/1 It is neither easy nor ethical to perch with notebook or video camera over spontaneous scenes of human mating or aggression.
1970Times 26 Sept. 12/1 The video-cassette comprises a pre-recorded, pre-packaged programme of pictures and sound, designed to be ‘played’ on a television set with a converter.1976Broadcast 23 Aug. 8/1 The videocassette editor..is a small desk-top box..controlling two Sony video-cassette recorders.1978Lancashire Life Nov. 112/1 (Advt.), The Philips N1700 uses a 2½ hour video cassette no larger than the average paperback, and like an audio cassette the video cassette recordings can be played back whenever you like and as often as you like.1982M. Babson Death beside Seaside xv. 132 That's a video cassette recorder! Where did he get that? We couldn't afford that.
1977Communications: Technol. for Better Tomorrow (Proc. 13th Ann. Internat. Conf. Communications) III. 75/1 An experimental videoconference link has been installed in France.1983Times 25 June 8/5 Whether a face-to-face meeting is in any sense ‘better’ than a videoconference is a different question.
1977Communications: Technol. for Better Tomorrow (Proc. 13th Ann. Internat. Conf. Communications) III. 75/1 Characteristics concerning typical pictures in video⁓conferencing.1983New Scientist 7 Apr. 7/3 British Telecom has been running video conferencing studios for the past 12 years.
1967Ibid. 2 Feb. 285/3 We shall soon have on the market the video-disc, about the size of a gramophone record and costing about 22 shillings.1975Broadcast 28 July 11/2 Consider the mind-boggling experience of a visit to your local bookstore to purchase a videodisc with perhaps 150 books on it—or maybe 54,000 slides of paintings.1982New Scientist 21 Oct. 150/1 Video discs are the video equivalent of the long-playing record.1982Jrnl. R. Soc. Arts Nov. 781/1 The floppy disc can hold the equivalent of 40 pages of the Concise Oxford Dictionary, but the video disc the whole of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
1976New Yorker 1 Mar. 23/2 A V.D.T.; or Video Display Terminal, is a machine that combines a television screen with a typewriter keyboard and is connected to ‘a gigantic network of computers’.1983Boston Globe 12 July 3/5 Video display terminals, or VDTs, have become commonplace in many offices.
1968Video display unit [see VDU s.v. V 5 b].1969Jane's Freight Containers 1968–69 114/3 New video display units provide instantaneous information to answer inquiries from customers concerning the location of cars.1983Engin. & Mining Jrnl. May 99/1 Engineers have at their disposal newly developed hardware and soft⁓ware, with modern distributed control systems using computer interface and video display units.
1944R. E. Lee Television ix. 182 Even with the financial savings of videofilm, television is the most expensive way of selling things that man has ever concocted.1955Amer. Cinematographer XXXVI. 365/1 Within a matter of minutes, this video film recording can be quick-processed and screened.1978Washington Post 29 Mar. d–2/5 The flight scheduled to carry the video film of Sunday's game ‘did not take off’ Monday night.1983Daily Tel. 10 June 2/3 Management brought in video films which were shown in updated form every few months to enable employees to know how the company was functioning.
1937Electronics Aug. 23/2 There are several ways of designing an amplifier to give satisfactory response for video frequencies.1956Amos & Birkinshaw Television Engin. II. i. 28 The video-frequency signal generated by scanning such a scene has a uniform level which is interrupted by the sync signals.1982Electronics 6 Oct. 63 In development..is a..generator for cathode-ray-tube applications offering an 80-MHz video frequency.
1973Business Week 10 Nov. 212/1 The astonishing ability of the video game to lure quarters from the public and the electronic techniques used in its design are forcing major changes on the coin-operated game business.1983Wall St. Jrnl. 5 Jan. 1/2 Coleco's 1982 earnings ‘appear to be well in excess of five times 1981 levels of $7.7 million,’ the third-largest maker of video games said.
1961Aeroplane CI. 74/2 All displays are capable of accepting video map information.1982Radar-82 (IEE Conf. No. 216) 307/1 Producing a video map very much more accurate than the radar data is unnecessarily costly.
1954Sun (Baltimore) 18 Mar. (B ed.) 20/4 Another of the new developments, ‘video mapping’, electronically reproduces an area map on the radar scope—showing terrain hazards, airport runways and radio flight paths.1962Flight Internat. LXXXI. 283/2 The range of synthetic displays to be added to the raw radar..will include video mapping.1983Listener 10 Feb. 4/1 The same children are sometimes known to see video ‘nasties’ or horror films screened later on.1984Ibid. 14 June 3/2 Unless one has seen a video nasty..it is difficult to imagine the depths of degradation to which certain producers are willing to sink.
1955C. L. Moore in ‘E. Crispin’ Best SF 129 He..called Maltzer's apartment by videophone.Ibid. 131 Maltzer videophoned him.1971New Scientist 1 July 14/2 The West Germans have recently begun operating a 240-mile experimental videophone link.1976TV Guide (U.S.) 1 May, To reach other videophone outlets, the user merely dials the telephone.
1980Times 2 Aug. 2/4 Audio and video piracy..usually involve the copying of a legitimate product such as video⁓taped film.1983Daily Tel. 20 June 17/2 Customs and Excise is claiming the right to see documents seized under a court order by a firm of London solicitors acting for the British Videogram Association in a video piracy case.
1982Ibid. 17 Nov. 2/3 A video pirate was fined {pstlg}500 yesterday by magistrates in Chepstow, Gwent, in a test case which could start a new clampdown on the illegal copies.1983New Scientist 3 Mar. 569/1 The deal is a blow to the video-pirates, who have cashed in by selling illegal copies.
1970Sci. Amer. Dec. 37/1 (Advt.), The little cartridge simply drops into the videoplayer you will have attached to your set.1972Listener 8 June 775/3, I would guess that in about fifteen years most people would have a video-player of one sort or another in their homes.1983N.Y. Times 23 Apr. 48/4 The man..slipped a cassette into his video player... A comedian..popped into view on the television screen.
1979Daily Tel. 15 Dec. 15/5 The programme claimed that a ‘video⁓porn’ cassette of Linda Lovelace's ‘Deep Throat’..was made in America with Mafia money.1982Punch 13 Jan. 83/2 Before videoporn and clockwork dildo moved inexorably in.
1937J. C. Wilson Television Engin. ix. 346 Fig. 210..shows a triode valve having its grid biased approximately at zero volts, so that on receipt of positive video signals it runs into grid current and the video-signal voltage is dropped across the series grid resistance.1937[see fade v.1 9 b].1957Amos & Birkinshaw Television Engin. I. i. 17 The composite signal obtained by combining a picture with a synchronising signal is known as a video signal.1976A. Davis Television ii. 28 The main problem was the high speed at which the tape needed to run in order to accommodate the wider range of frequencies of video signals compared with audio signals.
1964M. McLuhan Understanding Media xxii. 233 The possibility of shopping by two-way TV, or video-telephone.1978Jrnl. R. Soc. Arts CXXVI. 270/2 The interview will remain the mainstay of any selection procedure: even if it is transferred to the video telephone.
1970Computer Management Nov. 52/2 The key point in all video terminal applications, present or future, is the ease of handling and understanding information presented in a familiar form.1983N.Y. Times 28 Jan. 18/2 I.R.S. operators will still do the talking, but the computers will catalogue and display on video terminals all the taxpayers' facts, figures and prior promises.
II. Independent use of video as a quasi-n. used attrib.:
1. Of or pertaining to (a) television, or (b) the visual element of television broadcasts or the signals representing it.
1935[see audio- II].1937RCA Rev. July 17 Another important consideration has to do with the difficulty of feeding and switching video circuits.1944Jrnl. Television Soc. IV. 69/2 Trap circuits are commonly used..to keep the sound carrier out of the video channel.1945J. Barzun Teacher in Amer. xix. 280 The copywriter..must be the same who was impelled to call television ‘the video art’.1949Proc. IRE XXXVII. 289/2 Video Techniques. Notable progress was made in the comparatively new field of television recording on film.1951Koestler Age of Longing 194 An American video commentator.1959N. Mailer Advts. for Myself (1961) 157 A hippopotamus of a television-radio-and-phonograph cabinet with the blind monstrous snout of the video tube.1967Boston Herald 1 Apr. 1/1 News commentator Chet Huntley claimed Friday he had the support of his video partner, David Brinkley, and all but three of 40 NBC newscasters in his bid.1979Daily Tel. 17 Dec. 12/6 Such moments..were rare in Alick Rowe's Two People (ITV)... Video-drama remains uncertain about the love story.
2. Of or pertaining to video recording.
1955, etc. [see video film, etc. above].1973Art Internat. Mar. 42/2 The video sculpture De La, which utilizes the machine constructed for shooting La Région Centrale, carries on a discourse on perception at the same time that it exists as a fascinating mechanical object.1976Broadcast Dec. 20/1 In a video world he has still a film-stock contribution to make to the overall impression of the whole.1977C. McFadden Serial (1978) iv. 14/2 He said he'd had amazing results just acting out his anger with his patients. He was also big on video feedback.., role-playing..and Japanese hot tubs.1979Daily Tel. 15 Dec. 15/5 Home video equipment is giving the Mafia a foothold in Britain, with illegal distribution of pornography and pirated films... ‘Videocrime’ is growing so fast that it will be the Crime of the '80s.1980Times 25 Jan. (Audio Visual Rep.) p. ii/5 Video programmes are being used by the National Bus Company for training drivers.1982Listener 23 & 30 Dec. 10/3 If you don't like what broadcast television offers, then you can supplement the diet from the video shop.1984What Video? Aug. 6/2 The VR-3995 has four video heads for noise-free still frame and slow motion.

Add:[I.] video arcade orig. U.S., an amusement arcade largely or wholly given over to video games.
[1980Christian Science Monitor 30 May b12/1 It took outer space to make video arcade games a smash success. In the mid-'70s a Japanese-made game named Space Invaders became as popular in its homeland as rice and Toyotas.]1982Amer. Banker 13 May 3/4 Future bankers can be found today in the thousands of *video arcades across the country.1984N. Mailer Tough Guys don't Dance iii. 63 His eye glittered as if I had made a direct hit in a video arcade.

video dating n. the practice whereby clients of a dating agency may view a video recording of prospective dates, and may also make such a recording themselves; dating by such means; freq. attrib.
1975Daily Times (Salisbury, Maryland) 1 Sept. 7/2 *Video dating helps because it's like window shopping—you can look but you don't have to buy.1981Times 18 Dec. (Preview section) p. xi/2 A video-dating agency where people present themselves on tape.1997D. Boyle Subject to Change xviii. 177 It turned out he was living in Los Angeles and running a video dating service.

video diary n. orig. U.S. a series of video recordings made by an individual over a period of time, focusing on his or her experiences, thoughts, and feelings; a film or television programme composed of such material.
1980N.Y. Times (Nexis) 25 July c25/1 Recent weeks have featured..Juan Downery's intriguing ‘The Laughing Alligator’, a *video diary of eight months spent with an Indian tribe in the Amazon rain forests.2000Sunday Herald (Glasgow) (Electronic ed.) 6 Aug. They will tour Scottish schools, initiating partnerships with Scots children through internet links and video diaries.

video jock n. orig. U.S. = veejay n.
1982PR Newswire (Nexis) 13 Apr. Music Television ‘*video jock’ Nina Blackwood.2001B. Fong-Torres Hits just keep on Coming xvii. 222 After rejecting a position as a video jock..in New York.., Dees joined KIIS-FM.

video jockey n. orig. U.S. (a) a host of a television show that features live music (rare); (b) = veejay n.
1950Los Angeles Times 14 June 26 (advt.) See and hear top name entertainers..with *video jockey Bill Leyden..channel 11.1981N.Y. Times 19 June d15/4 These [record] producers, by the way, will be supplying the programming free—far-out videotapes of the groups in action that they make for record promotion—just as they supply records to disk jockeys. Enter the video jockey.1997Independent (Nexis) 22 Nov. 52 Top venues have traditionally been quick to use technology. Many employ Video Jockeys (VJs) to control the visual aesthetics on the dancefloors, in addition to traditional psychedelic imagery.2002Business Week 18 Feb. 81/1 MTV's video jockeys..deliver wall-to-wall Hindi film music, German hard rock, Mandopop, and Mexican hip hop to local viewers.

video mail n. electronic mail that is in video or (in early use) image format, or that contains a video clip or attachment; cf. V-mail n.2
1984Computers & Electronics Nov. 96/2 Chorus Data systems is working on a telecommunications product tentatively being referred to as *Video Mail. Suppose someone in an office in San Francisco wants to send a sketch, a set of plans or a photograph to someone in an office in Philadelphia [etc.].1990Financial Times (Electronic ed.) 19 Apr. p. xi, The screen gives Ben the business news headlines, the weather forecast and tells him he has video mail and a message from his Tokyo office waiting.1998Cambr. Work-group Computing Rep. (Electronic ed.) 4 May Fusion lets users listen to a stereo radio broadcast, watch their favourite TV news program, send videomail, conduct videoconferences [etc.].

video message n. a message in the form of a video recording, designed for subsequent viewing or broadcast; a short video clip sent to or from a mobile phone.
1979U.S. News & World Rep. (Nexis) 15 Oct. 66/3 The nation's telephone network will become even more sophisticated... Such systems will carry voice, data and *video messages.1992Jerusalem Post (Nexis) 23 July The highlight of the outdoor ceremony..was the viewing of a video message from astronaut Hoffman.2004Sun (Nexis) 25 Feb. Video Message. A recorded video clip that is sent from one video mobile to another. Great for reliving practical jokes, first steps, fun moments.

video messaging n. the action or practice of sending video messages.
1982Forbes (Nexis) 15 Feb. 37/1 Wang executives speak glowingly of work stations with electronic calendars, information filing and retrieval systems, instant mail, even audio and *video messaging devices.1999Herald (Glasgow) (Nexis) 6 Dec. 18 Teleconferencing and voice and video messaging have become business staples.2003T3 Mar. 85/2 Video messaging is next-gen picture messaging, where you record a short clip of yourself and then send it to a mate.




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