

单词 video recording
释义 video recording, vbl. n.
Also with hyphen and as one word.
[f. video n. + recording vbl. n.]
1. a. The process of making a cinematographic film of what appears on a television screen. b. The process of recording on videotape; videotaping.
1949Tele-Tech May 31/3 The most obvious problem in designing a suitable photographic camera for video recording is that of reconciling the 30 frames per second rate of American television with the 24 frame per second rate which is standard in motion pictures.1953Proc. IRE XLI. 466/1 Work on video recording has not been restricted to film. Advances were made in the experimental recording of video information on tape.1962R. Bretz Techniques Television Production (ed. 2) xxiii. 495 A standard sound-record head contacts the tape a half-second after the video recording has been done.1983Nature 23 June 651/3 These..combine the recovery of [sea-]bed samples with the photography and video⁓recording of marine life.
2. a. A film of a television broadcast. b. A recording on videotape.
1950Tele-Tech Nov. 32 (heading) Video recordings improved by the use of continuous moving film.1968A. Whitney Every Man has his Price vii. 59 She nearly died when we showed that videorecording to her!1978P. Marsh et al. Rules of Disorder iv. 112 Oxford fans were shown..a video-recording which was made..during their game with Plymouth Argyle.1984Guardian 5 Oct. 2/3 The court heard a video recording of an interview given by Mr. Scargill to Channel 4.
So ˈvideorecord v. trans., to make a video recording of; ˈvideorecorded ppl. a.; video recorder, an apparatus for making video recordings; spec. a form of tape recorder for recording television programmes from the broadcast signal.
1951Jrnl. Soc. Motion Picture & Television Engineers LVI. 222 (caption) Video recorder.1954Tele-Tech May 129 To be..acceptable to television stations, the magnetic video recorder must be capable of handling color signals with similar fidelity.1960J. L. Bernstein Video Tape Recording i. 1 The video recorder is able to provide immediate playback after a scene has been shot.1961Britannica Bk. of Year 537/1 Science also provided a term for a relatively new process with video-record, to record..in pictures rather than sound.1972Daily Tel. 22 Jan. 2/5 The disadvantages of having all schools broadcasts from ITV in the mornings (..many teachers may now videorecord them if they have the equipment).1975Language for Life (Dept. Educ. & Sci.) xxii. 322 Such activities would involve the play-back in school hours of video-recorded evening programmes.1978Lancashire Life Sept. 131/1 Now the video-recorder has arrived in the home.1979Jrnl. R. Soc. Arts Apr. 265/2 This teaching sequence is video-recorded by the use of a simple CCTV system.1979Financial Rev. (Sydney) 5 Oct. 23/1 A US District Court judge has ruled that the non-commercial use of home video recorders to record television broadcasts is lawful.1983L. Deighton Berlin Game vi. 65 You should have heard George when the au pair dropped his wretched video recorder.




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