

单词 indigent
释义 indigent, a. (n.)|ˈɪndɪdʒənt|
Also 5 indygent(e, 6 indigente.
[a. F. indigent, ad. L. indigēnt-em, pres. pple. of indigē-re to lack, want, f. indu- (in-2) + egē-re to want.]
A. adj.
1. a. Lacking in what is requisite; falling short of the proper measure or standard; wanting, deficient. arch. (In quot. 1596, said of the thing wanted.)
1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 6388 He ys so feble & indygent..That he knoweth her-off ryht nouht.1531Elyot Gov. i. xxii, Whan they be done with suche moderation that nothing in the doinge may be sene superfluous or indigent..they be maturely doone.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. I. 40 Quhat ane way abundes with ws, another way inlakes with vs, and is indigent.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. iv. §34. 537 The Divided Parts of the World, taken severally, are but indigent and imperfect things.1742Gray Odes, Spring ii, How low, how little are the Proud, How indigent the Great!1841Emerson Addr., Meth. Nature Wks. (Bohn) II. 222 Great men do not content us..There is somewhat indigent and tedious about them.
b. Destitute of, void of.
1490Caxton Eneydos 12 The sayd troians myserable semed..indygent of force.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 630 Indigent Off meit and drink, quhilk wes thair lyvis fude.1626Bacon Sylva §840 Such Bodies, as..haue the Tangible Parts Indigent of Moisture.1663Cowley Ess., Greatness (1684) 124 They abound with Slaves, but are indigent of Mony.1788T. Taylor Proclus I. 115 Such things as are indigent of matter..degenerate from the perfection of their essence.1805Wordsw. Prelude iii. 435 Nor indigent of songs warbled from crowds In under-coverts.
c. In need of; requiring the aid of. Obs.
1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie i. xii. (Arb.) 44 Misconceauing his diuine nature..Namely to make him ambitious of honour..and indigent of mans worships.1660Willsford Scales Comm. Ded. A ij b, Indigent of Protectors for a Convoy.1702Steele Funeral ii. (1734) 44 How do I see that our Sex is naturally indigent of Protection?1708J. Philips Cyder ii. 81 Oh Albion..indigent Of nothing from without.
2. spec. Lacking the necessaries of life; in needy circumstances; characterized by poverty; poor, needy. Of persons, their condition, etc.
c1400Rom. Rose 5695 An usurer..Shal never for richesse riche bee, But evermore pore and indigent.a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 1059 Yfalle in indigent povert.1483Caxton Gold Leg. 431/2 To al Indygente he openyd the bosom of myserycorde.1535Suppress. Monast. (Camden) 104 Refresshing of poore indigent persons.1599Shakes. Hen. V, i. i. 16 Indigent faint Soules, past corporall toyle.1671J. Webster Metallogr. i. 18 The Miners..being but people of the most indigent sort.1711Addison Spect. No. 177 ⁋4 That which goes under the general Name of Charity..consists in relieving the Indigent.1762–71H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1786) III. 240 A man of indigent circumstances.1766Entick London IV. 379 An almonry or alms-house for the reception of indigent children.1844Thirlwall Greece VIII. 391 The indigent who could only expect relief through..changes in the distribution of property.1874Green Short Hist. vii. §5. 385 Each town and parish was held responsible for the relief of its indigent and disabled poor.
fig.1663Cowley Ess., Solitude (1684) 92 The solitary Life will grow indigent, and be ready to starve without them [books].a1711Ken Div. Love Wks. (1838) 304 The utmost ardours of a penitential and indigent love.
B. n. An indigent person; one poor and needy.
1563Winȝet Four Scoir Thre Quest. Wks. 1888 I. 115 Kirk landis, anis dedicat to..feble and waik indigentis.1739Cibber Apol. viii. (1756) I. 214 The author of it was a desperate indigent that did it for bread.1747Hervey Medit., Winter Piece (1813) 369 The bitter winds plead for the poor indigents.1903Westm. Gaz. 15 Jan. 6/2 Mr. Chamberlain..gratefully accepted the offer to provide accommodation for the indigents.1905Daily Chron. 23 Sept. 5/1 The farmers submitted a lengthy list of subjects for redress, including..settlements for indigents, &c.1922W. S. Maugham On Chinese Screen viii. 37 He was a man whose purse was always open to the indigent.1972N.Y. Law Jrnl. 31 Oct. 1/5 The Legal Defense Panel administers the program of assistance to indigents who are criminal defendants.
Hence ˈindigently adv., in an indigent or destitute manner (Webster, 1856); ˈindigentness, indigency (Bailey vol. II, 1727).




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