

单词 indisposition
释义 indisposition|ɪndɪspəˈzɪʃən|
[f. in-3 + disposition: cf. F. indisposition (15th c. in Littré).]
The fact or condition of being indisposed.
1. Want of adaptation to some purpose, or to the circumstances of the case; unfitness, unsuitableness; incapacity, inability. Obs.
1440Manifesto Dk. Gloucester (Pat. Roll 18 Hen. VI, 111), Thyndisposicion of my said Lords adversary, that he neither hath wisdom nor discretion to govern himself, but must be led for defaut of natural reason.1529Wolsey in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. i. II. 12 Supplying myn indyssposcycon and lack of wyt.1612Brerewood Lang. & Relig. xxv. 216 By reason of the indisposition of Libanus, in most places, for frequent habitation.1663Boyle Usef. Exp. Nat. Philos. ii. v. ii. 126 If we examine other plants..and observe..their disposedness or indisposition to yield spirits or oyls by fermentation.1750tr. Leonardus' Mirr. Stones 31 A bad Commixture sometimes happens..from the indisposition of the hot or cold agent, and sometimes from the unfitness of the place.
2. Want of apt arrangement or orderly placing; displacement or misplacement; disorder, chaotic condition. Obs.
1598Florio, Indispositione, indisposition, vnlustines, crasednes, weakenes, disorder.1605Willet Hexapla Gen. 353 Difficult trauaile..may be caused..by the greatnes of the infant, or the indisposition thereof in the wombe.1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. 293 The disposition, or rather indisposition of this Matter, dark, stupid, and unactive.
3. Disordered bodily condition; ill health, illness, ailment; esp. of a slight or passing character.
1598[see 2].1600Holland Livy 1189 That indisposition of his hee set on fire with untemperate drinking of wine.1627Lisander & Cal. i. 4 Lisander's indisposition proceeded from the unholesome ayre of the citie.1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. To Rdr. 3 A long indisposition of Health hath much hindred and interrupted me.1739(title) The Ladies' Physical Directory, or a Treatise of all the Weaknesse, Indispositions, and Diseases peculiar to the Female Sex, from Eleven Years to the Age of Fifty or upwards.1788Cowper Wks. (1837) XV. 198, I shall be happy to hear that my friend Joseph has recovered entirely from his late indisposition, which I was informed was gout.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xxi. IV. 543 The father of the bridegroom was detained in London by indisposition.
4. The state of not being mentally disposed, or ‘in the mind’ (to something, or to do something); disinclination, unwillingness.
1594Hooker Eccl. Pol. iii. i. §10 The indisposition..of the Church of Rome to reform herself.1607Shakes. Timon ii. ii. 139 Perchance some single vantages you tooke, When my indisposition put you backe.a1628Preston Saint's Daily Exerc. (1629) 74 A great indisposition to prayer.1705Stanhope Paraphr. III. 31 To correct and sweeten the Tempers of Men, and to bring them off from these Indispositions.1804Castlereagh in Owen Mrq. Wellesley's Desp. (1877) 252 He declined the proposal evidently from indisposition to receive a British force within his dominions.
5. The state of being unfavourably disposed to or towards a person or thing; aversion.
1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. i. §32 This Indisposition of the King towards the Duke was exceedingly encreased and aggravated.1780Burke Let. to T. Burgh 5 Jan., I had conceived that an indisposition to the interests of Ireland had never been my characteristical fault.1898Westm. Gaz. 24 June 3/2 Was it from indisposition towards the Colonial Secretary?
6. Want of physical inclination or tendency; the condition of not being liable or subject.
Mod. The two substances showed an indisposition to combine.




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